An insult to weasels, a smarter version of Trump. If the VP can be someone who once called Trump the next Hitler I think the Democrats can relax about calling Trump a threat to democracy. For Rubio and Bergum, Trump got revenge the way he likes best - building someone's hopes up and then publicly humiliating them. H/T commenter: “And he looks like every woman’s first husband.”
simple question: Vice President Pence was your vice president for four years. Why wouldn’t you have him as you’re running mate in 2024?
This might be the one choice that could actually sink what was looking like a certain victory. JD Vance is truly one of the dumbest people in U.S. politics.
"I'm a Never Trump guy. I never liked him. But I've noticed this willingness from people who think a lot like I do that - 'look we told you so' to all these white working class voters. We told you so. We told you Trump was going to be a terrible candidate, we told you that you were an idiot if you voted for him. The problem is, if you take that attitude ... you are playing into the very thing that gave rise to Trump in the first place, which is a feeling that the elites think they're smarter than you, and you are just a bunch of idiots."
7. In a 2016 interview with podcaster Matt Jones, Jones said, "I can't stand Trump because I think he's a fraud, I think he's a total fraud who is exploiting these people." Vance responded, "I do too ... I told my editor, America's problem (Trump) would be the book's gain ... I agree with you on Trump because I don't think he's the person, I don't think he actually cares about folks."
9. In an August 2016 interview, Vance complained that Trump is very good at getting white working class voters worked up by identifying problems while offering no solutions: "I think, frankly, that's a big problem with Trump is that he diagnoses the problems in a very successfully, very passionate way, but I don't see him offering very many solutions."
12. Vance also said in 2016 that he was considering voting for Hillary Clinton if he truly believed that Trump would win the election: "If I feel like Trump has a really good chance of winning, then I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton."
I guess that now makes him America's Heinrich Himmler.
Hillbilly Eulogy.
The move for Trump to pick J.D. Vance completes Vance’s dizzying transformation — overseen by Fox News and its former star Tucker Carlson — from self-proclaimed “Never Trump guy” to MAGA culture warrior