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Editorial Note: In hopes of continuing the Good Fight of protecting our Democracy, by means of the Ballot Box, I offer these two fact-based reports. Near as I can gauge it — the public sympathy-sentiment — the odds of this Heritage Foundation’s “Transition Plan” being wholesale adopted, should Trump regain the White House, have just gone way up, not down.
Apologies if these reports, one from WSJ and one from CNN, are viewed as being “too soon” or as “raising the political temperature” again. I figure that “business as usual” is about to commerce at the RNC Convention anyways (JD Vance), and via various other conservative media outlets (Fox, CNBC, News Nation). If Dems sit it out much longer, in our best-behavior “penalty box,” we will be ceding swing-voter ground, that we will find it damn difficult to gain back, once the RNC “celebration week” is over.
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This “explainer” from the Wall Street Journal highlights the dangers of the Project 2025 take-over plan. It also includes several clips from Heritage Foundation CEO, Kevin (2nd American Revolution) Roberts, and what he intends to accomplish with the plan.
It’s a good substitute for people who don’t have the time or inclination for reading a 900-page document. Especially interesting is the info-graphics illustration of how the Heritage Foundation plans to fire (without cause) over 50 thousand non-partisan government employees, and replace them with vetted and approved “Trump Loyalists,” that only they approve, from their own internal database.
Project 2025: The Radical Conservative Plan to Reshape America Under Trump
The Wall Street Journal — Jul 13, 2024
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is a radical blueprint for a future Republican administration. Former president Donald Trump has distanced himself from the plan, but Democrats aren’t buying Trump’s rebuke. If enacted, this 920-page document would usher in the most conservative executive branch in modern American history.
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And this report from
CNN acts as a
serious fact-check, exposing Trump’s lies disavowing Project 2025 and its creators. The Heritage Foundation
played a crucial role in staffing up the first Trump Administration, starting “in the Transition
on Day One,” according to Mike Pence. The authors and “creators” of the Project 2025 blueprint are a veritable who’s who of high level personnel who previously worked for Trump, including Cabinet level positions. Also, the video evidence shows that liar Trump is actually quite chummy with Heritage Foundation CEO, Kevin Roberts. Despite
Trump’s claims of “knowing nothing” about the Project 2025, or about “who is behind it.”