Day 1 Republican National Convention -- A message
Apologies for the length of this but I have a message I'd like to share that is directed towards those gathering in Milwaukee for the next few days to coronate their cult god, convicted felon and traitor Donald J. Trump
A simple message, really, from the majority of Americans to all of the craven and profoundly unpatriotic seditionists, traitors, sycophants, hypocrites, white nationalists, and morally and ethically bankrupt, racist-adjacent, fear-mongering conspiracy nuts in attendance . (in other words, everyone):
F-ck Trump. F-ck Trump today. F-ck Trump tomorrow. F-ck Trump always.
You know, the twice-impeached, 2-time popular vote losing, m treasonous convicted felon (34 times over). The stable genius who has been criminally indicted in three other wide-ranging areas, totaling 54 more criminal counts, including involving the illegal theft / retention of a large number of classified documents, trying to overthrow an election in the states, and trying to incite an insurrection. Because nothing says respect for the rule of law and patriotism quite like all of those things,
You know, the guy who has been adjudicated as a rapist by a federal judge, who has been found liable for sexual assault, who has proudly bragged about his sexual assaults and who has been accused of at least by a couple dozen women of said sexual assaults.
You know the staggeringly corrupt self-described "stable genius" who bankrupted casinos, created a fake university. and had so many conflicts of interest selling access to the White House, enriching himself and his family when he was in the House that would make any sane, credible party blush from the scale and brazenness of it all.
You know, the pathological liar who had a catastrophic response to the once in a century global pandemic, almost certainly contributing to the unnecessary death of tens of thousands of Americans by his incompetence, dishonesty.
You know, the stunningly ignorant international embarrassment, and clown whose speeches more often than not consist of a healthy heaping of nonsensical word salads who suggested that we should all, perhaps, inject ourself with bleach to get rid of COVID.
You know, the clownish man who cowers in fear of, and worships a murderous, thuggish dictator in Putin -- and who didn't -- and doesn't -- have the balls to stand up to him-- and who so patriotically trashes our intelligence agencies which are working to protect the country.
You know, the racist ass who waxed poetic about the "very fine people on both sides" after Neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville and killed an anti-Nazi protester. And who encouraged and stoked the thuggish, white supremacist Proud Boy-militia types to "stand by" to be ready for action.
You know, the misogynist who is singlehandedly and proudly responsible for ripping a right that women have had int his country for 50 years to have the freedom and autonomy over their own reproductive health care, thereby endangering the lives of tens of thousands of women in radical anti-abortion states across the country, as well as jeopardizing the right to IVF an potentially contraception.
You know, the anti-environmental zealot who will proudly set back our efforts to belatedly address climate change, the existential environmental crisis of our time, by years, if not longer.
You know, the chicken-shit, thuggish coward who, like all bullies, loves to punch down on those who are much less powerful and don't have the platform to punch back.
You know, the vindictive prick who aggressively sought to punish blue states for policy difference, who despises and demonizes the majority of Americans who didn't vote for him, and who will indeed corrupt the Justice Department (again) if given the change to target his political enemies.
You know, the cruel asshole who viciously targets, blames, lies about and screeches at immigrants for.... being immigrants.
You know, the pathetic, weak -- oh so weak -- loser who does nothing but whine incessantly about anything and everything -- and blames everyone else for everything. True paragon of personal responsibility, this one.
You know -- the human stain who has done more than any other single American over the last 10-15 years to increase the divisiveness, in this country, stroke the flames of political violence, and undermine trust and confidence in our institutions, including but not limited to, our elections, the media, and The Supreme Court.
But I digress.
Many of you attendees, I suspect -- well, at least some of you -- already know all or much of this. And you just don't give a shit.
Let me close by extending the same hearty message to treasonous, sedition and coup supporting, craven JD Vance.
And, lest I forget, to one of the most corrupt judges this country has ever seen, Trump appointee and partisan hack Aileen Cannon. May you get impeached as quickly as humanly possible and go down in history as the incompetent joke of a jurist that you are.