I’ve been extremely disenfranchised with the modern day Democratic Party. In lieu of the genocide in Gaza and the apparent actions of this administration often times looking the other way, it’s made me extremely angry and sad with so many things wrong with this country and our politics. I truly feel like we’re at the end stage of capitalism where all the shit is coming to a head, and the cronyism and Uber wealthy who truly control this county and our politicians (yes, including the Democrats, shocker I know) are running this country right off the cliff with their outright greed. They can get whatever they want. They can buy off whomever they want.
Are there likely more influential with Conservatives? Hell yes, no doubt. But please don’t blow smoke up my ass and pretend Democrats aren’t bought off as well. A little gander on whom AIPAC has paid off will quickly explain otherwise.
So suffice it to say, I’m pretty down and annoyed. I also personally feel I’m being more realistic than most on this blog who tend to avoid objectivity for their own bias, believing Joe Biden will actually win the election. I really believe that’s not gonna happen, and that if there’s any chance to beat the Fascist Orange Little Prick, Biden should step aside for Harris to run in his place. But his ego and the blind ignorance as well as arrogance of the Democratic Party as a whole won’t allow that to happen. And as a result, Trump will likely win. I’m sorry, but that’s what I see.
Regardless, despite my criticisms of Biden allowing Netanyahu to slaughter tens of thousands of innocent women and children, despite his unwillingness to hold the Zionist Fascist Turd accountable, who also belongs in jail for his own crimes and Trump is following his footsteps to get in power to avoid his own crimes, I’ve decided to vote for Biden this coming election anyway. My reasoning is one of a defensive maneuver:
Aileen Cannon’s bullshit today has been the final tipping point for me. The overturning of Roe, Trump’s immunity, the overturning of the Chevron doctrine, the overturning of Affirmative Action, decades upon decades of precedent set on solid, sound reasoning and prior court cases, overturned with illogical, unscientific, made up rules and irrationality that are clearly partisan and perilous to the Constitution and our country. And now Cannon who’s ruling relied heavily on Judge Thomas’ opinion on Trump’s immunity case, essentially inviting her case to be presented to SCOTUS where these Conservative douche canoes have made up their rules as they go and have shown unfettered corruption in their own right, will likely rule in favor with her decision once it get appealed past the 11th Circuit.
The Conservative SCOTUS Judges have done more to damage this country in the last several years than anyone I’ve ever seen outside of the Reagan Administration. And Trump got 3 of these corrupt fucks in during his last term. We can’t allow Trump that power again. We can’t allow any Conservative to be President again for that matter.
So Biden it is. He may not win it, but I will do my part to try not to allow Trump to take this thing if I can help it.