Look, do you understand what happens to the disabled in fascist autocracies?
Do you understand that the orange tumor is not joking about becoming a dictator on Day One?
It’s not theoretical — he has already killed, through what I will be kind and call his incompetence, over a million Americans. And many of those were disabled and elderly. How many? Ask the CDC, if they can give you an answer. The Republicans weren’t joking about those “Sacrifice the Weak” signs they were waving — I was going to say “during the pandemic” but if you’re immunocompromised like I am the pandemic hasn’t ended yet and likely never will.
And you, during the home stretch of the interminable 2024 election season, want to replace President Biden? With who, exactly? Who has the support — right now! — to convince President Biden’s delegates that they are somehow better for this job?
“But Biden is — “ Let me stop you right there with two words. Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. Vice President Kamala Motherfucking Harris. The person I was voting for last time when I voted for Biden. Because yes, President Biden is old and yes, he is not the man he once was but if God forbid the worst happens to him while he’s in office we have Kamala Harris to take over for him.
Christ on toast why is this still an issue? Why are you all so determined to kick out the successful President Biden and his crack team of experts four months before the election to be replaced with Candidate To Be Named Later and how do you possibly expect this not to result in a GOP fascist autocracy? Do you have the money to leave the country before Dipshit Fuhrer walls us in like East Germany? Are you secure in the knowledge that Project 2025 won’t affect you?
Because I have news for you — Project 2025 is the death warrant for me and my family, and if you keep farting around like this you will have signed it.
[ EDIT 7/18 16:11 PDT]
Wow, this blew up.
First, Black Lives Matter. I haven’t forgotten.
Second, this diary is divisive, threatening, and emotionally manipulative. Not intentionally, I was writing from a place of terror. But at least by God and for better or worse you’ve heard me now. Just so long as you all understand what the stakes are — this isn’t a game where we can sacrifice a round for later gains, because if we sacrifice this round, there won’t be any more. And Pelosi, Obama or Jesus Christ telling me to wait for the next election — have you read Project 2025? How is my family supposed to live?