If you have not seen AOC’s full remarks, I highly encourage you to watch them below. It is so very rare that we, the common folk, get an honest look inside of the “room where it happens.” I also believe that with what AOC said, she may have sacrificed a lot of her capacity to be in the “room where it happens” in the future because of the outright incriminating statements she has makes against “the big players.” I am saying AOC did some Upton Sinclair “The Jungle” levels of exposure on the the DNC, media, and donors here. She told us in graphic detail how the sausage is being defiled by filthy hands.
Seriously, watch the whole thing. If AOC ever has any ambitions to be the President someday, this will be the video that haunts her among party officials, the media, and donors, but earns her the trust of the people:
I have been here on DailyKos for, eh, about two years now. I created an account right after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine occurred, as I had just taken the BAR Exam and had both 1) a lot of concerns about the war I wanted to talk about, and 2) a lot of free time to do so. Then once I passed the BAR and started looking for a career, I fell out of trying to be an active voice — I was distracted by other things.
Now, sitting at home, recovering still from Long Covid, I have written diary after diary entry talking about what is going on in this country.
I have talked twice about how Biden does not have cognitive dysfunction or decline — here www.dailykos.com/… and here www.dailykos.com/….
I have talked about the danger posed by the Supreme Court here: www.dailykos.com/…
I have talked about how, from a legal standpoint, the media behaves the way that it does: www.dailykos.com/…
I have talked about how there is an active campaign to divide and disunify the DNC and liberal Left, all as a core facet of Project 2025: www.dailykos.com/…
I have talked about how the RNC will attempt to abuse the Supreme Court and the legal system to bar any replacement of Biden in an attempt to wipe out the DNC ticket entirely: www.dailykos.com/…
And I have talked exhaustively how the media is, at a minimum, complicit with Trump and Project 2025 — actively working to misinform the public for the sake of a “hot scoop” here: www.dailykos.com/…, here www.dailykos.com/…, here www.dailykos.com/…, and here www.dailykos.com/….
Now AOC speaks out, unplanned and unscripted. Just a woman who has been in the “room where it happens,” did not like what she heard, and is now actively warning us of what actors behind closed doors are up to.
1) AOC states explicitly:
“I'm just going to say it: If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave... that they will support Kamala, Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken. They are interested in removing the whole ticket.”
Yeah. If you heard the little voice in your head go “oh shit,” that little voice is right to be scared.
Forget replacing Biden with Harris. The people, again, IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS, want to give BOTH Biden and Harris the boot. BOTH of them. This is not speculation — this is straight from the source — someone who WAS THERE listening! I do not have an anonymous source, like CNN or The Guardian. I have it straight from the horse’s mouth with video to back it up — straight from AOC herself! So everyone that’s throwing pies back and forth over “oohhhhhhhhhh — just replace him with Harris!” Nuh uh. These fools, the donors and the media, are talking about a completely FRESH slate.
Do not take my word for it, listen to the woman who is in the room where it happens.
2) It gets worse from there! Know what she confirmed? Yep. Mike Johnson and the RNC are salivating. Salivating at the thought of the Biden ticket getting kicked. Why? Because the laws are gray enough that they can gum up the system with lawsuits and keep the DNC from having any candidates for the 2024 election, just like I said here www.dailykos.com/….
Do not take my word for it, listen to the woman who is in the room where it happens.
3) It gets worse beyond that. The money that Biden and Harris have stashed in their war chest for the campaign? It cannot be given to a newcomer candidate. AOC alluded to the Biden/Harris campaign still having a war chest of at least $100 million. Poof. Bye bye. No newcomer candidate is going to be able to raise that sort of revenue before the election begins, and no newcomer is going to be able to convince all of the donors who gave that $100 million to “just give them that money” instead.
Do not take my word for it, listen to the woman who is in the room where it happens.
4) It gets worse still. I mentioned, “before the election begins.” AOC hit the nail on the head. “I am looking at my watch, I am looking at the clock, and I’m looking at a calendar. We don’t have the time… This isn’t 2023.” Yeah… Exactly. And AOC keeps on going by reminding us that the election does not begin in November — we do not have 4 months. Early mail ballots go out in SEPTEMBER. SEPTEMBER!!!!!!! That is when the election begins! There ain’t enough time! Even if the DNC and these stupid pestilential donors and the media had a plan, we do not have enough time!
Do not take my word for it, listen to the woman who is in the room where it happens.
5) But wait there’s more. Speaking of plans. Know what AOC said, while in the room where it happens? She asked the people there — she asked the lawyers, the donors, and the other DNC officials what their plan was if they kicked Biden out. Guess what? THERE IS NO PLAN! They have NOTHING. From the mouth of someone who was there, if they kick out Biden, Harris goes with him, and they have no plan afterwards. Nothing!
Do not take my word for it, listen to the woman who is in the room where it happens.
6) And as if that were not enough, AOC saves the most damning words for last.
“When I'm talking to folks in rooms, I hear, 'My donor this, my donor that.' Those are the inputs that I am hearing reflected by my colleagues, it's not, 'My voters this, my voters that.”
That should lay the situation bare for everyone to see. It is not about “oh the people are concerned about Biden’s chances of winning,” or “oh we’re worried about the polls.” No. They do not give a shit about the people’s opinion or the polls. They are only worried about the money of these feckless brazen donors and the media turning against them. Exactly what we have been saying and thinking all along — IT IS ABOUT MONEY, NOT BIDEN’S AGE!
But, do not just take my word for it, listen to the woman who is in the room where it happens.
I am sickened to the point of numbness by these useless, incompetent, indolent, shiftless, avaricious, rapacious, imperious, sententious, priggish, bastards in the wealthy donor/media class that have the audacity to even attempt to override my GOD DAMNED VOTE while telling me it is for my own good!
*** deep breath ***
*** and another deep breath ***
Very nearly wrote two pages of just curse words.
I commend AOC for speaking out. I commend her for doing her duty as a United States Representative, and alerting her constituency, we the people, to the machinations that are happening behind the scenes.
Like her, however, I am not losing hope. AOC ceded that she does not know what exactly is going to happen, but I will take a leap of faith in making a conclusion, even if doing so may be foolhardy. This “bullshit,” to quote AOC, has been going on for weeks now. Biden has not backed down. If Biden had backed down, he would already alerted to us that he is dropping out of the race and stepping aside. Even while sick with Covid-19, Biden has rebutted any claims that he is dropping out.
No, instead Biden has said again and again and again and again and again and again and again, “I am not dropping out.” Knowing the mettle of the man? Knowing Biden’s character? I am confident Biden will take those words with him to his grave. Short of God himself talking to Biden, no one is convincing him to drop out anymore than anyone is convincing Donald Trump to drop out.
To hell with these donors, the media, and everyone they have corrupted. They can take their money, their tabloids, and shove them where the sun does not shine.
The buck stops with Biden, and I am riding with him all the way to our eventual victory over MAGA.