Let me introduce myself for those who don’t know me. I’m a mixed race, not black mostly white passing sans trying to fly with anything close to a tan cis female who until the beauty industry got it’s shit together couldn’t find a decent shade of foundation unless I went into the heart of the city as everything was too pale and or yellow with 2b/c hair. Side note the best stores are always the family run ones in the city
I’m a lifelong Democrat and haven’t missed an election since I turned 18 as the elder women in my family would be turning in their graves as they had to fight for the right to vote. I’m extremely lucky those women lived long enough to see the women of my generation register to vote. Those amazing women told me how horrible life was before the New Deal, before Griswold, before Kennedy and LBJ and before Roe and yet here we are fighting again for everything they fought for
That brings me to last week when I took my insanely fast growing hair (1 inch a month in warmer months) to the hair salon. I don’t know about the rest of you but finding the right stylist is as awful a process as finding the right pair of jeans. I refuse to go to chain salons as they generally treat their employees like crap. That and some white run or corporate salons have no clue how to deal with curls of any type. Which is why I’ve always had the best results sans a few stylists at black owned salons. Anyhoo last week the place was full of chatter as always but this time it was all about politics and to say everybody was upset about people trying to push Biden out would be putting it more than mildly. These women could rattle off most of Biden’s accomplishments and they believe in dancing with the one who brought you. These were some of the most informed voters I’ve been around sans at actual political events. These are the people that will call every relative near and far to make sure they vote. These are the women who knock on doors. These are women who know somebody who’s life was saved by the Violence Against Women Act and know we have that that’s to Biden. A couple did not know about Project 2025 and another woman and myself brought up the info nd made sure they had it in their phones and now they’re sharing that info. A few didn’t know about text banking and they signed up on the spot without batting an eyelash. Black women are the heart and soul of the party and to disrespect them is spitting on each and every one of us. Without them we can’t win
PS Sorry for the rambly diary and if you need a new place to get your hair done check out your local black owned salon because they can generally do all types of hair, are warm and welcoming to all with the added bonus of being a small local business