I am so motherfucking sick of watching our party be ripped to shreds by whoever the fuck is wagging this dog.
It is time for those of us who support Joe, who see all the amazing good he has done AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO for everyone in our country (other than the billionaires who might have to pay fairer taxes — oh the treachery!), to flood the fucking airwaves to offset this insane bullshit that is going on. It is time for us to put on our grassroots shoes, hit the electronic pavement and turn this shit around!
So, may I please suggest that we all do the following:
1. Contact Joe in every way possible to let him know you support him:
White House contact info
Phone: 202-456-1111 (they seem to only allow comments to be recorded from 11am-3pm (ET) Tues-Thurs).
Email contact form: www.whitehouse.gov/…
Text President Biden at this number: 302-404-0880 (yes, that is the correct number, 302 is a Delaware #)
Shitter, Facebook and all the other socials: find Joe’s profiles and leave messages of support! Let him know you have his back! Also post your support for Joe on your own socials! Flood the zones!
2. Contact your Democratic Senators & Congressional Reps
Tell them you support Biden and if they don’t, you will think about supporting them being primaried next time they are up for re-election! Yes, you are that serious! Democracy is at stake! I told both mine that I would never vote for them ever again — but I have that luxury because I am in pretty safe blue state. But the thing is I mean it! Warner is actively trying to get Biden out. I gave him a serious piece of my mind!
Call using the Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Find your Senator’s contact info here: www.senate.gov/...
Find your Congressional Rep’s contact info: www.house.gov/…
The links above lead to contact info for your representatives but some of them (if not all) ALSO have their social media links — so scream to them via social media, too!
Hell, if you are in a fucking red zone, write those assholes, too and let THEM KNOW you support President Biden. Can you imagine if those fuckers received millions of (collective) emails and calls hearing a MASSIVE wave of support for Joe! Ha ha!
3. Donate to Joe if you can. Even if just one dollar (not kidding).
That kind of show of support is hugely helpful! Small donor contributions have done amazing things over the years. The ocean is nothing but bazillions of “drops of water” — we can and do collectively make a difference.
Here is his campaign site: joebiden.com
4. Tell everyone you know that you are taking all these steps and ask them to do the same!
Share these contact links/methods, etc. with them and encourage them to do the same!
We need to flood the zone with GOOD SHIT (good trouble)!
We, the people, can take back the power over our lives. We only have a tiny amount of time to get the momentum up and turn the fucking tide on this. Too much is at stake for us to not do all we can RIGHT NOW! I know you don't want to live in a Project 2025 country! I sure as hell don’t!
We must turn this around NOW!
Thanks for reading. But more importantly, please please please take as many of these actions as you can! I did them all (except the social — not on social media of any kind) but now that I have written this diary, I am going to send the link to all my friends and ask them to take these actions and tell all their friends to do the same. Together, we can do this!
If you don’t support Biden, go write your own fucking diary. We are too busy with our activism and not interested in hearing any more bullshit about why he should drop out. So take that shit elsewhere. This diary is for those of us who support him!
Cal Dem Syd