There comes a time when disrespect does not have the effect a bully thinks it does.
Someone’s picking on the wrong demographic, that’s for sure, Lorenzo!
When I got done gritting my teeth at the misogyny of disrespecting my tribe, it occurred to me to start this group — and it’s for everyone supporting our future President, Kamala Harris. Not just ladies. No cats required. Just patriotism, desire to help Kamala’s campaign, and a sense of humor.
Please drop a comment if you would like to join and let me know if you would like to write diaries for the group. And please follow so you don’t miss any of the fun! NOTE: invitations to the group will come to your email, not your Kos Mail.
There will be cats.
MsSpentyouth is preparing “Kittens for Kamala” buttons — the hot accessory for the election season. I hope she’ll pop in to let everyone know how to get them.
There may even be dancing!
I hope so. And I feel more hopeful than I have in a long, long time. Joe Biden has been the best President of my lifetime. But the way in which he passed the baton to Kamala was beyond brilliant.
Please join. And here’s that link again to donate to the Harris campaign through Cat Ladies for Kamala:
UPDATE: It’s 10pm pacific and I’m off to bed. If you would like to join, please drop a comment below and I will invite you tomorrow. It will be fun! Oh…and btw, you raised $2,250 for the Harris campaign so far. I am so happy!
UPDATE 7/26, 1:45pm pacific: You guys amaze me! I have sent out almost 200 invites — and we have raised $5,615.88 for Kamala! Cat Ladies rock!
Home page for Cat Ladies for Kamala — you can follow the group here