This Diary Was Written by JoanMar
We love Daisy and Ollie. Please bring them back. The quilt in the background of this drawing (by our own Eric Lewis) was made by the Reed Sisters for J Graham. Thank you, all.
She had to go in to work today, so I’m posting it on her behalf. As you all know, she is an Admin for the Daily Kos Group Black Kos and a long-time DK contributor.
Along with others, both elenacarlena and I worked closely with JoanMar in years past in another DK Group. She is an excellent writer and an even better person, always eager to help others when asked to do so. If time permits, she will drop by later today.
I formatted her diary and added a few graphics. If we get matching-funds pledges throughout the day (hopefully, we will), I will edit the diary title and slightly amend it to periodically announce such challenges.
On behalf of the entire fundraising team, thank you for supporting this fundraiser to help one of our own. JnH
Attribution for cancer poster up top: Facebook. Sketch Credit: ericlewis0.
Added by JnH, 7:05 pm ET.
Time for a rest.
J Graham figured out a way to add PayPal donations to the GoFundMe totals.
She will, as her condition permits, update the totals periodically. As you can imagine, this has been a very physically demanding day for her.
If you have any questions, please ask me. Thanks.
“The Math Just Ain’t Matching”
Down, but not out. Attribution: Art and Artists.
It is one of the worst feelings: sitting at your kitchen table, staring at the growing mound of bills and financial obligations, and then at your income, and realizing that despite your best efforts, the math just ain’t matching. You have no earthly idea where to turn to make up the deficit. What the heck do you do? Throw fighting a life-threatening disease—and the debilitating side effects from fighting said disease—into the mix, and it is enough to bring even the strongest person to their knees in despair.
MAGA world would have us believe we all operate on a level playing field. They think we can all make it independently if we work harder and have more discipline. They callously advise hurting people without footwear to pull themselves up by the non-existent bootstraps. They know that nonsense is not factual, but it’s in their DNA to lie, gaslight, and create narratives that cover their evil machinations. Thankfully, this community does believe in practicing what we preach. We don’t just talk the talk; we do the walking. We refuse to allow one of our own to suffer while we have the means to help.
No one can accuse our sister J Graham of not working hard. Her life story is downright awe-inspiring and speaks to her will to overcome.
How to Make a Donation
Together, we will succeed. Thanks for your donation. Attribution: TheVeryBestCats.
- If sending a paper check through US Mail, please message J Graham and send her a Kosmail to receive her mailing address.
How to Make a Matching-Funds Pledge
Double the fun, double the pleasure. Attribution: BBC.
Here’s how it works. Let’s say, as an example, three of you pledged $50.00, $75.00, and $100.00 each. Once the diary goes up, I will bundle them and announce a $225.00 matching pledge (you remain anonymous).
Then, when another $225.00 is raised, I will contact you via Kosmail to confirm that other individual contributions matched your pledges, and you can now donate through JG’s PayPal or on her GoFundMe fundraising site.
If you can make a matching pledge, please kosmail me (it has been quite iffy the past few weeks) or email me jekyllnhyde2 (at) gmail (dot) com and I will respond as soon as possible.
Scroll down a bit towards the end of this diary and read my suggestions about how to deal with Kosmail issues.
Thank you.
J Graham’s Cancer Journey
Here, let her tell you about her health and financial challenges.
Hanging in there. Attribution: WikiArt.
Once again, a massive thank you to everyone who has contributed to me in the past! I have immense love and gratitude for you. You have helped me and my daughter on more than one occasion since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, first stage 2 in 2019 and then stage 4 in November 2021
Today, I’m asking again for your help for the same purpose: my CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) treatments and over-the-counter treatments because they are crucial in helping me tolerate my cancer medications. These treatments consist of acupuncture, herbs, vitamin and immune system support, and drugs and supplements that help control nausea, digestive problems, headache, and other issues that are side-effects of cancer treatment.
Medicare or Medi-Cal covers none, and I can’t afford them with my Social Security retirement income alone.
Several things have changed since last year. The clinical trial I had put a lot of hope into didn’t work, and I ended up with cancer progression into several organs. Fortunately, everything but my liver responded well to a targeted chemo I received after the failed trial. But because my liver response to the chemo was mixed, I had to move to a new, systemic chemo, which I just started this month. Early indications show that it’s working.
I consulted with an interventional radiologist - aka, a tumor zapper (my name for him, not his!) - for the liver tumors. The doctor said there's a type of radiation-based treatment (some of them use heat, cold, high-intensity ultrasound, and others) that would work for me. It's a three-procedure process. I'm scheduled for the first procedure next month. I’m also consulting with another doctor about the high-intensity ultrasound version at the end of this month.
The hope is that one of these procedures will treat my liver directly, and the chemo will keep the tumors from coming back or growing further.
I’m feeling the side effects of the new chemo now, so I’m back into regular acupuncture appointments after a few months of not getting them. To help stave off side-effects such as low blood counts, anemia, and nerve damage to my hands and feet, I’ll need to go regularly.
Keeping Hope Alive
J Graham has had numerous setbacks, but she is forging ahead and staying optimistic like many other folks in a similar position. It is a very long, tough slog.
On their way to find and expose the Wizard of Oz, who turns out to be a total fraud. The yellow brick road is the path to enlightenment. Attribution: Pinterest.
There have been a couple of other challenges this year. I was forced to leave my apartment for a month last winter while my bathroom was repaired and mold removed (yes, another mold issue!) due to a water leak inside the wall. Fortunately, everything is restored now, but I had to pay for temporary moving costs and a mold air test after the repairs. I had an emergency tooth extraction and routine dental care, all out-of-pocket costs.
My out-of-pocket (CAM and over-the-counter) costs have averaged $850 a month without acupuncture. With regular acupuncture treatments again, my costs are about $1,400 a month. My income is Social Security retirement, which is $1,227 a month plus approximately $150 - $200 more from one music student who started again last month after a several months’ break, so that's $1,427. I’m receiving $291 for food stamps now, which helps quite a bit. But overall, with CAM costs that leave approximately $27 for all my other expenses, which come to about $500 - $600 a month. I've avoided taking my car in for maintenance because of the cost, but I will need to do that soon, along with basic dental care, which is approximately $250 twice a year. My mother still covers my apartment rent and utilities in Los Angeles. This could end any day.
I’ve hired a caregiver through a Medi-Cal program (CA’s Medicaid) to do basic tasks like shopping, cleaning, and cooking for the days I need more help than usual due to treatment side-effects. The state pays for it, and it’s been a blessing.
I have hope for the future. Even though the standard prognosis for me isn’t excellent — one to two years — there's a lot of research in breast cancer treatment and new treatments will be coming out. The good news is that doctors don't rely on standard prognoses for that reason and because people respond differently to treatments and in ways they can't always predict. My job is to stay around long enough to get the benefit of the new treatments and maintain some decent quality of life while I'm doing that. That can be a challenge because the treatments are toxic. Some people lose the battle because of the accumulating toxicity. That's why I use complementary and alternative supportive therapies.
It wouldn’t be too much of an exaggeration to say that I might not be alive without your help. For that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you so much, everyone!
Wow. Just wow, J Graham. Your strength and your indomitable spirit inspire me.
Friends, I don’t know about you, but after reading her story, I feel a tremendous sense of gratitude and privilege that we get yet another opportunity to impact the life of someone so deserving positively.
Let’s make this happen.
Daily Kos Community Messages of Support
The Daily Kos community is unlike anything else on the internet. Here are a few messages of support for J Graham from several DK members.
“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” Attribution: Pinterest.
We don't have the government-run-facilitated social supports we should, so we need to DIY it. I've been watching as various of our elected officials, candidates, local organizations have begun setting up mutual aid programs, and thinking, wow, let's replicate this all over. Until such time as we get past the right's blockade, it looks like mutual aid is the way to go.
Cancer sucks worse than just about anything in this world. So does its treatment, but fortunately at least now we have effective treatments for the battle. But an optimistic mood is SO important for recovery, and for one of my friends to have to worry about finances on top of a fight for her life brings out the fierce white knight in me, itching to charge into the fray and protect her.
Poor J Graham has struggled through all of that, with several extra tragedies of her own to fight against, and without her husband anymore to help or hold her. J Graham has a fierce spirit and an ever-caring heart, she's always listening and looking out for others. Somehow she's still standing, but barely.
Today is the best day for you to share some of your love and money, before J Graham falls off her looming cliff. We are all in this together.
Sara R
J Graham is a beloved community member who has been fighting cancer. Stress is one of the absolute worst things for a person trying to heal from something like that — and heaven knows the world is full of stress right now. But lack of money and housing insecurity is something that the community can help her with. This is something that can be fixed.
Please help and give this lovely lady peace of mind so she can heal.
Our Fundraising Goal
Our goal for this campaign is to raise $15,000.00. This amount will provide the space needed for her to take a deep cleansing breath and then exhale with the certain knowledge that, at least for a little while, she can focus all her energy on reclaiming her health.
You can donate as little as $5.00 and as much as you’d like. Trust me, every donation counts and helps us reach our goal.
Here are the ways you can contribute to making that dream a reality.
How You Can Help to Promote This Fundraiser
The thrill of victory — Cats in a dog cart. Attribution: Pinterest.
J Graham needs our help and support to keep going. Here’s how you can help.
King Tut says, “Please support J Graham.” Attribution: Offmag.
A Final Request
On these pages, we often turn dreams into reality. We transform lives and make huge differences in the quality of life for our online family members. We do this time and time again because we live our values. And now our sister needs us.
Thank you in advance for the support I know you’ll provide her.
Please check the comments for updates on the running total. May your generosity today be returned to you a thousandfold.
Please Read This
The Daily Kos community comes to the rescue. As JoanMar wrote above, “Let’s make this happen.” Attribution: Pinterest.
My thanks, first and foremost, to JoanMar for writing this diary. And to everyone who is participating in and has contributed to the fundraising effort.
A very special thanks to our own talented cartoonist, Eric Lewis (he goes by ericlewis0) for drawing the Animal Nuz sketch for J Graham that you see at the very top of this diary. You often see Eric posting “Breaking News” and other relevant diaries on DK.
If you have any questions about the fundraiser, contact me via Kosmail or ask others who are responding to comments in this diary. The fundraising team includes elenacarlena, ciganka, userexists, Nova Land, Angela Marx, and many others who prefer to remain anonymous and work quietly behind the scenes.
Be patient with Kosmail even if an error shows up. It’s been misbehaving and acting erratically for several weeks now. Don’t panic or get irritated. Just wait 5-6 minutes and check again to see if your message went through. If it didn't go through, go back one screen to your original message from the error notice, preview, and double-click when you send. It will probably work.
The first comment under the tip jar is reserved only for me and J Graham to communicate with each other. We will coordinate manage matching-funds challenges (hopefully, we’ll get many more such pledges) and periodically provide fundraising updates to include GoFundMe donations.
Thank you.
Matching-Funds Challenges and Updated Fundraising Total
Celebrating each matching-funds challenge. Attribution: Twitter.
I expect to announce the first challenge within 30 minutes of the diary being posted. Once the matching funds have been raised for each challenge, I’ll indicate that the challenge has been met.
- 7/27/24, 1:05 pm ET — $443.00 (Fundraising total)
#1 — 1:30 pm ET — $250.00 Matching-Funds Challenge. Challenge #1 has been met.
#2 — 2:30 pm — New $300.00 Matching-Funds Challenge. Challenge #2 has been met.
- 2:30 pm ET — $815.00 (Fundraising total)
#3 — 5:05 pm ET — $200.00 $250.00 Matching-Funds Challenge. Challenge #3 has been met.
- 5:00 pm ET — $1340.00 (Fundraising total)
- 7:00 pm ET — $2,805.00 (Fundraising total)
#4 — 7:15 pm — An anonymous donor just issued a very generous $1,000.00 Matching-Funds Challenge. Challenge #4 has been met.
- 8:30 pm ET — $2,905.00 (Fundraising total)
- 9:30 pm ET — $3,025.00 (Fundraising total)
- 7/28/24, 1:00 pm ET — $3490.00 (Fundraising total)
- 8/3/24, 1:00 pm ET — $4615.00. (Fundraising total)
Challenge #5, 8/3/24, 1:00 pm ET — An anonymous donor just issued a very generous $500.00 Matching-Funds Challenge. Challenge #5 has been met.
- 8/6/24, 1:45 pm ET — $5165.00. (Fundraising total)
- 8/13/24, 8:00 pm ET — $6035.00 (Fundraising total)
#6 — Awaiting your pledge.
#7 — Awaiting your pledge.
#8 — Awaiting your pledge.
#9 — Awaiting your pledge.
#10 — Awaiting your pledge.