Newbern, Alabama, is about to have its first election in 60 years.
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Newbern is a town of 133 people, almost two-thirds Black. Since 1965, the Mayor has appointed the Town Council and the next Mayor, keeping all-white rule and shutting out the citizens.
In 2020, Patrick Braxton, who is African-American, was the only one to file candidacy for Mayor. In July 2020, he became Mayor-elect by default. The Town Council members responded by holding their own “election” without informing the town’s residents, and literally locked Braxton out of Town Hall.
After four years of litigation, a settlement was reached, and a federal judge signed off on July 24th. Mayor Braxton gets to take office, a new election will be held in 2025, and the former Town Council will pay $40,000 in attorney fees. Also,
Going forward, the town of Newbern must submit future changes related to voting and eligibility to vote in municipal elections to the federal district court or the U.S. Attorney General for approval until January 1, 2030.
Well done, Mayor Braxton.
On to Top Comments!
Highlighted by Torta:
Mister Pants has an innovative explanation for TFG’s bizarre racist comment that VP Harris recently “became a Black person.”
From your humble (if antisocial) diarist:
Centsmaker offers an excellent metaphor regarding when it’s ok to “both-sides” and issue — and when it isn’t.
Top mojo, courtesy of mik: