Joe Biden said, after a NYT fueled media feeding frenzy out to get his scalp, “FU, I’m staying in.”
The New York Times in response, does not cover or put Biden’s remarks on its front (digital) page. This is legit journalistic malpractice. A candidate, which a paper claims is on the ropes, saying I am not going is clearly news. Instead, the paper — as you can see in this image — runs 5 negative stories about Biden and ignores the most salient news, the candidate is staying.
The dirty little secret is that the NYT does not have that much power any more. Most voters don’t read the paper any more and the ones that do overwhelmingly support Biden (like 90%). In fact, I would posit that a big chunk of the Dems moving away in the NYT poll from Biden are NYT readers (who will all vote and will vote for Biden if he stays in the race). And, the “media elite” that the NYT influences also does not reach most voters who do not read the paper or watch cable news. The Dem pols that are playing footsie with the NYT are going to come back into the fold because “when you strike at a king, you must kill him” and they cannot kill him because Biden holds all the delegates (and cards).
I am surrounded by other libs and NYT readers who are like Fox News viewers and live in NYTlandia and are in a full panic and playing an absurd fantasy game of “screw democracy let’s pick our own candidate because the NYT told us we could.” The NYT, really got them riled up but so what? Where are they going to go? The NYT got Axios and Politico to keep this story going by finding two Biden “allies” who said, off the record, that Biden said he might need to drop out and, even thought Biden campaign denied he said any such thing, then used that to build a narrative that Biden was going to/had to drop out because they said so.
Guess what, he doesn’t. He hold all the cards, not the NYT And, if he goes out, he’s going to go out on his terms, not theirs. The NYT fails and flails, and the people rejoice.