You read that right. Her name is Kim Daniels, and she is sadly the Democratic incumbent of Florida House District 14. I worked hard to defeat her in 2020 and replace her with a real Democrat, Angie Nixon, who not only went on to defeat her but has been a constant thorn on Governor DeSantis’ side.
But the FL GOP missed Kim Daniels so much they redrew a district for her in 2022. Although it’s a deep blue district, she managed to sneak a win with the help of her right-wing allies. Conservative outlets are even attacking Daily Kos for daring to criticize her.
Yes, she really did defend slavery. Yet before I get to that, let me count the multitude of ways she’s freaking awful:
Democrat(?) Kim Daniels, HD-14
- She’s unethical, bigoted, and corrupt as hell.
- She is anti-labor and anti-women’s health.
- She’s also a hatemonger who rails against women’s rights and the LGBTQ community.
- She is very pro-Trump. She said Trump’s critics are witches and warlocks.
- She is the pastor of her own “church” (which I won’t link to) with an extensive set of scandals. (She calls herself “Apostle Kim Daniels”.) She claims to be an exorcist.
- She also claims to be a prophet and said prophets like herself knew Hurricane Irma was coming, but that it was “God’s will.”
- Divorce proceedings revealed the depth of her hustle, and the “church’s” role in financing Kim’s extravagant lifestyle.
How could the Republicans not love her? She’s a better Republican than most of them.
Meanwhile, she praised slavery during one of her ridiculous sermons back in ‘08:
“I thank God for slavery. If it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa worshiping a tree.”
As I mentioned, she was appointed to the education board last year by the DeSantis administration that, as you may recall, came under so much fire for touting the “benefits of slavery” for Black History.
Five of the six new appointees are either directly affiliated with the Republican Party or have previously been appointed to positions by Governor Ron DeSantis.
The sixth, State Representative Kimberly Daniels’ (D-Jacksonville), is facing renewed criticism over comments made during a sermon back in 2008.
And for good measure, she’s also an anti-Semite. Most politicians today wouldn’t try to defend the Holocaust, but welcome to Florida.
“And you can talk about the Holocaust, but the Jews own everything!”
God, she’s awful.
Thankfully, we can defeat her again. Her opponent is Therese Gamble. She’s the real Democrat.
The Dem will win, and the primary is August 20th. So donate, volunteer, and if you are in her district, VOTE!!
Donate to Therese here: