“Arthur-Gregg --Horatio--Dash--Hornblower--Dickcheese--Sulzberger” is having a mad/sad, because mean old President Biden hurt his fee fees, and would not sit down to chew the fat with the little man-boy back when he needed validation.
But sure, I mean, the NY Times has been nothing but godawful to the president and has generally shat on his presidency at more or less every turn, but sure...of course… his people will definitely call your people…we’ll get right on that...
Now “Dash” is marshaling his entire staff to go after the one story that matters: “Who will replace Joe Biden, Now That MY Family Newspaper has Petulantly Demanded the President Resign?” with a side of “Dems in Disarray” stories, and a “dash” of thinly sourced innuendo concerning “Biden and Parkinson’s.”
Dash gave a speech recently where he suggested journalism should never take explicit sides on a given issue!