I know this might sound a little over the top, but bear with me. Sometimes we have to game out all the possibilities to see what could, potentially happen. Sure, there are LOTS of possible outcomes. I’m focusing here on the worst. Just so we all know what’s at stake here.
I was reading comments today where people kept saying that the GQP thinks women will “get over” the abortion thing.
Let’s say the WORST thing happens, the GQP takes control in January, and there’s a nationwide abortion ban. No exceptions.
I’m willing to bet you that these same lawmakers would sunset the Violence Against Women Act. Because of COURSE they would…
So, let’s say you’re a nice suburban woman, married, two kids, nice husband, good life. And let’s say some lunatic starts stalking you. Let’s say he finally rapes you. Let’s say you get pregnant. AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. He’s not convicted either, because you can’t prove it wasn’t consensual. LOTS of rapists get away with it. Especially if they’re white (and they are at an Ivy League school, and get nominated to the Supreme Court by another un-prosecuted rapist.)
Now, your rapist also has parental rights. He has the right to see the kid you didn’t want. He’s now part of your nice family. Your other kids know about him. Your husband has to SEE THE MAN WHO RAPED YOU when that monster visits the child you were forced to have with him.
ANY woman who is forced to have a man’s child, whether it was consensual or not, becomes enslaved to that man for at least 18 years of her life. She has to deal with his parental rights, with him intruding on her life, and she has no control over it.
A man who wanted to be part of a woman’s life might do everything he could to get her pregnant (swapping out her pills, pinholes in his condom… so many ways...) IN ORDER TO CONTROL HER LIFE. FOR 18 YEARS OR MORE.
The actions of one unscrupulous man could tank a woman’s entire life. He could destroy her career, her relationships, her education, her finances, her health, and her family life.