All of us are very happy with what has happened since President Biden stepped down. We have a new, exciting candidate who is breaking fundraising records and creating excitement in the electorate. Trump and the goopers are making mistake after mistake and it no longer looks like we are the underdogs in this race. One point that I have not seen mentioned; if people on this site had their way, none of this would have been possible.
The majority of people on this site, including myself, were insistent that we had to stick with Joe Biden as our nominee and loudly disparaged anybody who didn’t agree. My dicerest apologies to any fellow kossacks who I may have offended in this manner. We were doing this even to those who wanted Biden to step aside were allies and party leaders. I remember when it was near heresy to criticize Nancy Pelosi here, but in the weeks before Joe dropped out, she and other Dem leaders were ruthlessly pilloried here for not going along with keeping Joe at the top of the ticket. We ignored all the data showing us that Biden was going to have a serious problem getting re-elected or offered rationalizations as to why that data was invalid. This trend started at the top. Markos wrote diary after diary as to why Biden was still the best candidate and why even the obvious strategy of replacing Biden with Harris at the top of the ticket. Since Biden stepped down, he has of course changed his tune and admitted that Biden would have been very unlikely to win. I think Markos owes us all an apology.
One thing we were right about is the basic decency and wisdom of President Joe Biden who actually listened to party leaders and did the right thing. As I have said before, we can console ourselves with the knowledge that he will go down in history as one of our greatest presidents. In my opinion, what he has done for the country puts him up there with the greats: Lincoln, Washington, and FDR.
This is not the first time the groupthink on this site has damaged Daily Kos. The insistence on constantly berating Bernie Sanders and his supporters for HRC’s 2016 defeat, even though Senator Sanders and the vast majority of his voters backed her in the general election resulted in a mass exodus of good people from this site. The result is far fewer people paying attention to DKOS and the powers that continuously having to beg for money. This was not the case in 2016 and before.
OK, I’ve said my piece. Flame away.