Just heard about this from a friend from Florida! Haven’t seen anything anywhere about this yet, so wanted to share. The website is womensMarch.com. They are organizing marches all over the country on Saturday November 2, 2024. I came up from Florida for the first Women’s March on January 21, 2017. It was awesome!!! We left from my daughter’s house in Arlington, VA and the first few trains were full and didn’t stop. That’s when we knew this was big. The streets were filled with women and supporters ❤️ The trumpies staying in the hotels from the night before were yelling and swearing at us 😜 there were many more of us! There were NO incidents and it was very kumbaya. Carried a sign that honored my mother on one side (she successfully sued the US Army for sex discrimination as a civil servant) and “We’re NEVER going back” on the other. Can’t wait to March again! It sends a visual message of support and energizes people right before Election Day!