One of my great fears and worries from a President Biden withdrawal from the 2024 race was the potential for Trump and the Republicans to instantly label the President and our Party cowards and quitters. This is what bullies do, they stomp on the fearfully vanquished in braying grandiosity, daring the next hapless candidate to try and take them on.
As we all know that’s not what happened at all, Trump ludicrously attacked Biden for 12 hours after the withdrawal announcement, clueless he was bashing a phantom that no longer existed in reality. Then these stuffy, huffy Republicans whined on teevee all over the place how wrong it was, how un-democratic, how such a terrible thing had been done to the country, heh, what a bunch of wandering losers.
David Brooks was on the PBS Newshour a week ago saying he thought Trump should campaign against Vice President Harris as a San Francisco latte flaming liberal, an outsider to the rank Republican hierarchy of white men. I was sorely disappointed to have to him no-show last night, his yapper replacement (who performed a seriously uncivil uncalled-for knifing of Senator Kelly) hilariously said precisely the same thing 7 days later, think of something, the Republicans still don’t know what to do to attack Vice President Harris.
Heaven forfend one could run a campaign on positively building something, of healing or restoration, perhaps, a positive vision of goals for the future like Vice President Harris, but our regressive Republicans are now just a bunch of weirdos, they can’t even embody the famous American can-do spirit and attitude, all they are now are a bunch of creepy panty police.
Who blessedly are now frozen even in their shark attack mode of campaigning. A huge part of the problem isn’t prodding their gelatinous brains into action at all, it’s the knowledge the incessant age issue they smashed ruthlessly at President Biden has been flipped right back at them, how is this ancient flabby old man going to do it, whatever they decide on?
I underestimated what the age issue flip would do to Trump and the Republicans, how gloriously glad I am to have it rip them and silence them.
I was unaware of how searingly well the Democratic Party has learned the lessons of 2016 and what disunity can really lead to, there is a time for spirited debate and independence but by all the atoms in the universe it it not now, we are so wonderfully on-mission, all of the Party, all of us know precisely how to serve Vice President Harris together for her 2024 victory.
I had woefully forgotten what an attractive, telegenic person can do in the land of American teevee politics, my god Vice President Harris is so lucid, so warmly real, so intelligent and positive. Such a smashing stark contrast to that flaming weirdo of spray-tan combover she’s running against.
I feel like building a safety shrine for Vice President Harris, of sturdy arched stone in a pretty California field of oak trees, to place a lighted candle there every day with a fervent wish that all the stars of the universe watch over her, keep her protected, keep her people well so they can look after her, keep her safe from any harm so she may do her duty. Word would spread, so many feel as I do, hundreds of candles would be there every day before long.
I completely missed how such a good candidate like Vice President Harris could bring joy back to politics, my spirit soars on the White Dudes for Harris zoom call, I’m letting them guide me for action in the election, why not? My side-emphasis will be Party-building, President Harris will need a unified Democratic Party Congress.
I bought a White Dudes for Harrius hat, $100 worth of merchandise and donated $50 to Vice President Harris. I have the month of October off for the home stretch.
All of this done and everything set so well so quickly, life comes at you fast, eh? Well, not so fast as the Trump campaign strategy pivot to Vice President Hariss, that’s obviously going to take a long, long time.
However long it takes I, Daily Kos, the Democratic Party, President Biden and most assuredly Vice President Harris are waiting patiently for it and then will so easily sprint by you like Abby Steiner. I see and feel victory when I encounter it, nothing is stopping Vice President Kamala Harris from becoming President of the United States.