A Rout
Ain’t no stopping us now. Attribution: Ann Telnaes.
I’ll try to post more editorial cartoons in the comments section or as updates to the mail diary.
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If you missed my recent diaries, here are the links.
I’m Sure You Do, Donny
About Last Night
A Day to Remember
David Fitzsimmons is the former editorial cartoonist for the Arizona Star.
Manual Updates Posted Here
Last One for Tonight
What a Choice!
Clean Sweep
Oh, the Humanity!
Eat All You Can
Too Late
Inflation Buster
That Look
Home, Sweet Home
Tastes Great, But Less Filling
DonOld is in Serious Trouble
No, This Debate Will Haunt You Forever
In the post-debate analysis last night on one of the cable channels, one analyst pointed out that no politician — male or female — had ever done what Vice President Kamala Harris achieved in her triumph over Donald Trump: she belittled and humiliated him.
Using sports metaphors, another political analyst said that you can’t complain about the referees (debate moderators) if you can’t even make your jump shots. A third one added: she pitched a shutout!
Peter Wehner in the Atlantic magazine had these thoughts.
Peter Wehner: “I’ve been watching presidential debates since 1976, and I’ve even been peripherally involved in a few. And I’ve never seen a candidate execute a debate strategy as well as Harris did.”
“The night, for Harris supporters, went better than even the most optimistic among them could have hoped. For Trump supporters, it was not just a defeat but a public humiliation, the crushing comeuppance they probably secretly feared might one day arrive but, until now, never quite had.”
“What Harris appeared to understand, better than anyone else who has debated Trump, is that the key to defeating him is to trigger him psychologically.”
More, Please
Stupidest. Argument. Ever. in a Debate.
The Incredible Shrinking Candidate
He is cooked.
Attribution: Ann Telnaes, Washington Post, @AnnTelnaes
What About HIS Policies?
Sure, He Has Policies
Candidate Prep
Substance vs Garbage
The Story of the Debate
Lyin’ Donnie
He’s Ready
Signs of Desperation
Sure He Did
This Man is in Serious Trouble
It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy
Back to Basics
Why Trump Lost the Debate — A Summary
Let Trump Be Trump
Coming Unhinged
Fighting the Last War
The American Taliban