Okay media, here’s an easy test. You hold Harris-Walz to some pretty high standards, nitpicking every little apparent flip-flop or policy inconsistency, but Trump puts his oars up and floats down his stream of lies daily, without so much as a, “Can you provide any evidence for what you just said?”
Case in point:
Trump: But, eh, the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it, your kid goes to school and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child. And you know many of these childs [sic] fifteen years later say, “What the hell happened? Who did this to me?”
WTactualF? First, why is the student at school “a few days” without going home, and wouldn’t the parents notice? I guess the student needed time to recuperate from that major surgery, but what public school performs operations? Maybe the school nurse will fix a broken finger or give students a pill for their tummy ache, but an operation? I think not. (I’ve worked in and around schools more than 50 years, never saw an operating theater.)
Also, show us even one example where a “school decides” (his words) to change a student’s gender. Who made the decision? The principal, history teacher, school board? And why would a school “decide” that (“We don’t have enough girls for the softball team, so Johnny, report to the principal”), and what student would submit to it rather than run home screaming? VP Harris was right: the man is out of his mind.
Then there’s: “… fifteen years later [the student] say[s], ‘What the hell happened? Who did this to me?’” Why’d it take fifteen years to realize your equipment changed? I’d have wondered “Who?” upon waking up, not after fifteen years. I guess the student didn’t remember that operation after study hall; after all, the way Trump talks it’s a quick and easy change—so easy they do the operation at school, where someone “decides what’s going to happen” to students’ body parts. Again, media: Challenge this bozo to produce even one student who asked, “What the hell happened? Who did this to me?”
Please proceed, Trump. Toss this one out at the debate, right after you brag about what a great job your administration did with the economy, Covid, and women’s healthcare—and don’t forget your respect for the troops.