I wish Elon would not occupy part of my mind, I’ve kept his nonsense out for years.. yet he’s forced his way into all of our lives, nationally, internationally, interstellar-y, and can even affect the outcome of global wars (see Ukraine). I hate his douchebaggery in every way, especially because he seems so proud if it, and can’t understand (or doesn’t care) what other people think about him..
Which is where the sympathy part comes in. My older son was diagnosed very early (4-5y/o) with ADHD and “Aspersers” (though they don’t use that term any more). Thankfully he got some of the best care in the world, from UCD MIND Institute. Studies have now shown that early intervention can make a big difference in development, and I believe it. My son is sooo damn smart, just needs a little help with the social stuff.
Unfortunately Elon is a littler older, and the science and care for those diagnoses were almost nonexistent back then. And the science shows that late intervention doesn’t really work much. He never had the care, treatment, and medications that my son had. I truly wish he, and all children who need it, could get this care.
But putting all that aside, it’s also clear that Elon was never taught the difference between “good attention” and “bad attention”. As a father I hope my kids understand that there’s “good attention” (like inventing an electric vehicle) and “bad attention” (like buying and destroying a social media company just to become the horrible trolling Nazi center of it).
So, to sum it up, I truly wish Elon had access to better care when he was young, and had learned the difference between good attention and bad attention. I think he still would have done great things, but without being hateful and hated. And I hope my son’s interventions and parenting help him to become a good person, not hateful and arrogant like Elon.
Oh and I thank all the teachers, counselors, psychologists, and everyone else who helped my son and others like him!! He might be the next Einstein.. but hopefully not the next Elon :p