The country is so awash in guns that one does not even have to buy one to obtain one.
NRA has been so active for decades pushing weapons of war in America, most people do not even have to purchase one in many states to get one. I will give you an example.
Most everyone knows someone with a gun or an arsenal of guns. They have brothers, sisters, parents, friends, and the list goes on with guns.
All a person has to say in most cases is that they have a racoon tearing up their gardens or a wild animal killing their pets or make up anything that sounds like it needs destroying. I guarantee you, I do not own a gun but could have one in 15 minutes if I asked to borrow one for some of these reasons. I won’t, but I could and I know it. I know so many people with guns and I know them well who would not hesitate to bring a gun to my residence and say keep it till you solve that critter problem. I don’t allow guns in this residence. Period.
I am not exaggerating. Think about it. We have more guns than people. It does not matter if they don’t know that you have had a breakdown, as long as you seem to be worried. Many people trust others with their guns. I know this for a FACT. People do not take their ownership seriously as to lock them up and not loan them out. There are other people who will go to a gun show and purchase guns and then go out and sell them to people they do not know. I know people who do and have done that. I know people who will invite you hunting and if you say, “Oh I don’t have a weapon”, and they will say, “ I got one I can loan you”. This is scary and true and especially in southern states. Deer season is a prime time for non owners to obtain a weapon. People in general have no responsibility in their gun ownership when it comes to loaning one out.
You many think I am making this up or it is hyperbole. People loaning those guns know the you they choose to know. They don’t know if you are in a grudge with someone, or on drugs secretly. How does one protect ourselves with so many guns out there that can be assessed for what they have been told is good cause to loan? You can’t. That is why I said yesterday, I just don’t know what to do about this gun situation.
You all know someone I bet that has a gun they would loan you and that is very scary. They may ask why do you need it and one can make up ridiculous stories, especially in rural areas where there are some varmint hitting the trash, getting into your personal sheds and causing destruction.
To me this is one of the scariest things about so many guns. Now that fear grasped this country over rhetoric and other misguided talk, most anyone can get their hands on lethal weapons.
This is a sad state of affairs and especially hard for law enforcement.
Read this and weep.…
There are so many people willing to loan out their guns.
We really don’t have answers for this gun situation that are viable. This problem started long ago and now we have mass killings a lot. Is there an answer for America to become civilized regarding gun safety? I have no clue how to solve the problem and to be honest, I don’t think anyone else does. That is why we have this problem. The red flag laws seem to be good but only for the owner, not who decides to loan out guns they already have stashed. When did all of this crazy start and why? Gun Manufacturers? NRA? irresponsible dealers and buyers? Just when did America claim pro life and then go out and buy handful of guns? When did America become the cowards of the world?