Not long after midnight on New Year’s a man from Texas plowed his truck down the sidewalk on Burbon St killing 15 people. Reportedly he had an ISIS flag in the back of his truck, had been a former member of the US Military and he may have had accomplices.
But that didn’t Stop MTG from immediately spouting that this attack was because of our “OPEN BORDER.”
In response to the devastating vehicle-ramming attack in New Orleans on New Year's Day, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) insinuated that the Biden administration's border policy was to blame — all of which appear now to have jumped the gun.
"Terrorist attack in NOLA similar to the one in the German Christmas market," Greene wrote on X of the incident, which has left 10 dead and dozens more wounded. "What did we expect would happen with wide open borders and millions of gotaways? The problem is no one trust the FBI under the current leadership, so everyone is questioning every detail they can find in their own. What an absolute disaster America is in."
In case I didn’t make it clear, the primary perpetrator who exchanged gunfire with police and was killed at the scene — was. a. native. born. American. Citizen.
The only border he crossed was between Texas and Louisiana.
This is how deep the Racist Anti-Migrant mania of the GOP goes. The NEWS has been reporting this story non-stop. Updates are coming out just about as fast as the press can report them. We’re learning now that there may have been several other suspects who attempted to plant IEDs in the area.
There is no indication, as yet, that any of these people are immigrants.
Oh, and also, Fox News had to fact-check Trump on his false statement about the attack.
President-elect Donald Trump slammed "criminals coming in" from other countries after a driver plowed into dozens of people in New Orleans, killing 10 and wounding dozens of others. But Trump's statement, issued Wednesday morning, appeared to have been made before authorities identified the suspect as a 42-year-old Texas military veteran — a fact not lost on even the right-wing Fox News network.
Hours after the attack on Wednesday morning, Trump echoed his campaign rhetoric in blaming criminals from other countrie
"When I said that the criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly refuted by Democrats and the Fake News Media, but it turned out to be true. The crime rate in our country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before. Our hearts are with all of the innocent victims and their loved ones, including the brave officers of the New Orleans Police Department. The Trump Administration will fully support the City of New Orleans as they investigate and recover from this act of pure evil!" he exclaimed.
"Now the former president said criminals coming in in a statement, meaning into our country, but to be clear Molly [Line] and Brian [Llenas] the suspect was born in the United States, he served in the United States Army, he was a veteran, the FBI is the lead agency in this investigation going through the social media and any other accounts associated with the suspect," said Justice Correspondent David Spunt.
The reason Democrats have said “this isn’t true” is because it isn’t true.
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.[1]
Also, crime in general is not “at a level nobody has seen before” — Crime is down, massively.
In 2023, the rate of violent victimization in the United States was 22.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older, which was similar to the 2022 rate (figure 1). Violent victimization includes rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. The last three decades saw an overall decline in the rate of violent victimization, from 1993 (79.8 per 1,000) to 2023. While the 2023 rate was higher than those in 2020 and 2021, it was not statistically different from 5 years ago, in 2019.
Similarly, the rate of violent victimization reported to police was consistent from 2022 to 2023 (10.1 per 1,000 persons). The 2023 rate was higher than the 2020 (6.6 per 1,000) and 2021 (7.5 per 1,000) rates but was comparable to 5 years ago in 2019 and consistent with the overall downward trend since 1993 (33.8 per 1,000).
Let me re-emphasize that this data is from the National Criminal Victimization Survey — not from reports that may have been skewed by reduced reporting levels to the FBI. This is what the victims say, not the police or FBI.
Again, this is a lie.
There has never been a successful terrorist attack in the US by anyone who illegally crossed the Southern US Border.
I testified that zero Americans have been injured or killed in terrorist attacks by illegal immigrants or asylum seekers who entered through the southwest border. Indeed, there have been zero terrorist attacks on U.S. soil by illegal immigrants or asylum seekers who crossed that border.
So even if you don’t know the facts of this case — why would your mind go to “migrants?” And if you don’t know the facts — why would you dare to opine on the subject?
How irresponsible would it be to attack Jews for this attack without any evidence that it had anything to do with AIPAC, Judism or Israel? How irresponsible would it be to blame this attack on CRIPS and BLOODS? To blame it on the KKK? To blame it on Iran or North Korea?
This type of attack was the same method that was used against BLM protestors.
While the drivers of the stopped vehicles seethed over the demonstration, a red pickup truck with a hulking, empty horse trailer pushed into the crowd as its driver placed a handgun on the dashboard, witnesses said, and protesters banged on its hood and threw things at the vehicle as it moved in. Knight can’t remember the screams, the crush of people, how it separated him from his girlfriend, and how, in the chaos, he was propelled over the highway’s edge, falling onto the grass below.
What Knight remembers is his time in the hospital, and how at first he couldn’t swallow, or breathe on his own, or move his fingers. He remembers learning his spinal cord was damaged, that he could not walk.
“As soon as I woke up, I was like, man, am I paralyzed?” said Knight, 34. “It was devastating.”
So would it be appropriate to blame New Orleans on the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers or the Boogaloo Bois who were responsible for much of the violence during the BLM protests?
Of course not.
I am under no illusion that this was an “innocent” mistake — because it happened twice. (Correction: Five Times — Don Jr., Charlie Kirk and Rob Schmidt said it too because Fox News initially reported that his truck “came across Eagle Pass two days ago.” It did cross at the border — which still would have been legal entry — but it is a rental and even Fox repeatedly stated there’s no evidence the attacker was driving it then. Even with the greatest of charity here: a rental car crossing the border legally certainly doesn’t mean that it was driven by an “undocumented illegal migrant.” That doesn't even make sense.) The truth was known very quickly, so either they ignorantly ignored that truth — or they were both deliberately lying. Either option is despicable.
Someone would only lazily — or deliberately — jump to the wrong conclusion and blame the wrong culprit for this crime unless they want to continue to instill false outrage and hatred against the target class of people. Against migrants.
It’s pure Racism. Pure Xenophobia.
Just like Trump’s entire “Mass Deportation” agenda. It’s bigotry plain and simple. People often wonder how the German people stood by and let the Holocaust happen right in front of them? This is how.
They were repeatedly showered with exploitative Lies and Delusions. Blood Libel.
We do know that they did that when they falsely claimed Haitians in Springfield — who were here legally under Trump’s own authorization — were “eating the cats and eating the dogs” was a false attempt to inspire hatred and resentment against them.
Nearly half the GOP wants the Military to round up migrants and shove them into detention camps. That is NAZI Shit.
Almost half of Republican voters believe the U.S. military should round up undocumented immigrants and put them into detention camps until they can be deported, a new survey finds.
Why it matters: President-elect Trump has suggested that he'll use the military in immigration raids and turn to a 1798 law to put immigrants in camps.
- His base appears to support those plans despite the likely fierce opposition from most Americans.
By the numbers: 46% of Republicans endorse using the military in mass deportation raids and placing immigrants in camps, according to a nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) post-election survey.
- That's more than double that of independent voters (19%) who agree with the idea.
- And that's more than five times as Democratic voters (8%) who supported this policy.
Just like Birth of Nation a hundred years ago which fostered a new rise for the KKK. From that they went on the Lynch and Murder 4,400 Americans in a relentless campaign of racial terrorism.
Just like “Remember the Maine” which was used to spark the Spanish/American war.
As bad as this attack has been, I think trying to falsely exploit the death and victimization of Americans for continued political gain to be even more despicable.
That’s even worse than pure evil.
We may not be able to stop others from doing evil against us, but we certainly don’t need to perpetuate that evil against ourselves.