Nick was also a Vietnam veteran, which caused dire health problems later in his life. He was in ‘Nam when they sprayed Agent Orange, and, like a lot of Vietnam veterans, he wasn’t welcomed home very nicely.
But he overcame that bullshit, and he and my Aunt Connie raised my 3 cousins, Margie, Alyson and Nick, Jr. (Nicky), in the south suburbs of Chicago.
The happy couple (Aly’s parents)
Their middle daughter, my cousin Alyson, planned to get married in October of 2002, but Uncle Nick, her father, passed away the day before the wedding. He passed from a rare brain cancer, which doctors believed was either from that exposure to Agent Orange in ‘Nam, or from breathing concrete dust while working.
Heartbroken, Aly and her fiancee Dennis put the wedding on hold, not sure when they’d reschedule.
A few weeks later, Fox News Chicago held their 10th annual Wedding on Ice contest.(please SMGB, forgive me for posting ANYTHING from Faux, but it’s necessary for this story!!)
Alyson and Dennis entered the contest, were picked as one of the 3 finalists, AND THEY WON!!!
I, and a boatload of my family, was able to attend the once-in-a-lifetime event in downtown Chicago, and it was so beautiful and uplifting (especially for Aly & Dennis)!! Alyson & Dennis won the contest because Aly’s dad Nick died so close to their originally-planned wedding. It doesn’t get much more heart-wrenching than that!
Family watching Aly get ready — Mama Kiwi is in the middle
The Wedding on Ice was held at Millenium Park ice skating rink, alongside Michigan Avenue, in downtown Chicago. This is very close to the infamous BEAN.
The bride modeling her ice skates
Wow! Ready to go!
Mr. Kiwi was working in the Millenium Park garage at the time, just underneath the ice rink, and his dick-with-ears boss would NOT let him attend the wedding. We’re still pissed at that boss!
Millenium Park ice rink was decorated beautifully…. Red and white balloon sculptures adorned the ice - what a sight to see!
Alyson was given the wedding dress of her choice from Marshall Fields (now Macys) as part of the winnings (the dress was GORGEOUS!!!) The ceremony was beautiful, but COLD…. It was 20ish degrees that morning! The groom’s mother bought the bridesmaids heavy wraps to wear outside, to keep them warm. Luckily, only the bride and groom had to wear ice skates - the bridesmaids and groomsmen stood on carpeting placed upon the ice.
Preparing the ice rink
Official wedding photos
Close up
Fox News Chicago’s Tamron Hall, preparing to interview the bride and groom
Tamron interviewing the bride Alyson
Getting ready! That’s Michigan Avenue behind the bride!
The wedding ceremony was a joy to behold… it was a cloudy day, but when the vows were read, the sun broke through the clouds and shined upon my cousin and her husband. I think that was her dad’s, my Uncle Nick’s, blessing!!
Ceremony seating
Prepping for the big moment
Aly’s brother Nicky walking (sliding??) her down the aisle
Giving the bride away
The rings!
The kiss!
Alyson and Dennis had to skate around Millenium Park ice rink in their wedding finery after the ceremony… Fox video shows people in the windows of office buildings across from Millenium Park Rink cheering Aly and Dennis on. I was so scared her dress would trip her, but, nevertheless, she persisted!
First skate as a married couple!
Another Tamron interview
Grooving on ice (the couple chose one of Aly’s Dad’s favorite blues songs!)
True love!
Cake and bubbly!
Tamron telling them they’re going to Punta Cana for their honeymoon
A skate signed by all the Fox Chicago employees that helped with their wedding
Our family & friends also signed a skate to wish them well
Their wedding reception was at Giordano’s Pizza in the suburbs west of Chicago. I’m the creative one in the family, so Aly asked me to help her with reception tchotchkes. I covered heart-shaped bubble containers with their name, date, and ice skate graphics, hung an ice skate charm around the neck… and got the perfect picture of all my aunts blowing bubbles towards her at Giordano’s. That pic is framed and hanging on my wall!
Where are the bubbles???
There they are!!! Best photo of the night!!
Here’s the Wedding on Ice videos, in 3 parts. A bit like family movies, but a lot more fun!!
Wedding on Ice #1 — The Contest
Wedding on Ice #2 — Getting Ready
Wedding on Ice #3 —The Ceremony
Alyson’s Wedding on Ice was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I wanted to share it with you all. Enjoy!