Alas, it is happening again. Donald Trump is being sworn in as president. Again.
It’s going to be a significantly downsized event because it’s apparently too cold for him to be outside in his fragile, feeble, very old and tired state.
So while his tech bro sugar daddies with their VIP invitations still get to join in the fun, a whole bunch of Trump’s diehard supporters who got their hands on tickets are going to be left out in the literal cold, holding on to now-meaningless tickets that will not give them entry to the Capitol rotunda. Boo hoo.
Watch the event if you dare, or just skip straight to the comments to make all the jokes about his teeny, tiny event and all of the actually important people, from former first lady Michelle Obama to Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, who are busy watching paint dry and just couldn’t make it.
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