It’s Getting Dark Out There
Note: I have limited this diary to the resignation of Ann Telnaes, Editorial Cartoonist at the Washington Post since 2008, freedom of the press and women’s rights.
I will post at least another 10-15 editorial cartoons about other issues in the news in the comments section and as updates to the diary. Scroll down a bit for manual updates.
Thanks for supporting this diary series, one that made its debut in early 2009 soon after Barack Obama became President of the United States.
In case you missed my recent diaries, here are the links.
Malcolm X on the Power of Newspapers
A Sign of the Times?
Just Two Regular Guys
Manual Updates Posted Here
From Woodward and Bernstein to… Jeff Bezos!
Well, There’s That! LOLOL
2025 is Off to a Bad Start
An Excellent Editorial Cartoon by Ann Telnaes
An Interview With Ann Telnaes from 2012
Emory journalism lecturer Sissel McCarthy interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes about her work during Cartooning for Peace and Health, March 28, 2012. Telnaes is a freelance cartoonist whose work is nationally and internationally syndicated by Cartoonists & Writers/NY Times Syndicate.
The Alternative
From a Former Colleague at the Washington Post
Toadies and Lemmings
In Darkness, They Trust
Backfiring BIG TIME!
Matt Wuerker is the Editorial Cartoonist for Politico.
This is What Ann Telnaes Has Been Fighting Against All These Years
Ignorance, deliberate lies, and anti-intellectualism from the political Right.
Easy Peasy
Support for Ann Telnaes from Europe
Patrick Chappatte “is a Lebanese-Swiss cartoonist known for his work for Le Temps, NZZ am Sonntag, the German news magazine Der Spiegel, The New York Times International Edition, and the French satirical newspaper Le Canard enchaîné.”
Going Up in Flames
Outrageous and Unacceptable
Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes announced last night she quit the Washington Post reports after editors killed a cartoon that depicted owner Jeff Bezos, among others, genuflecting to President-elect Donald Trump.
You can read this article by Ann Telnaes on her substack — Why I'm quitting the Washington Post.
In Support of Ann Telnaes
Profits Over Journalistic Integrity
Attribution: David Horsey, @davidhorsey
Not a Happy Occasion
The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists
With the resignation of editorial cartoonist and Pulitzer Prize winner Ann Telnaes from The Washington Post, corporate billionaires once again have brought an editorial cartoon to life with their craven censorship in bowing to a wannabe tyrant. Her principled resignation illustrates that while the pen is mightier than the sword, political cowardice once again eclipses journalistic integrity at The Washington Post.
The AAEC condemns the Post and their ethical weakness. Editorial cartooning is the tip of the spear in opinion, and the Post’s cowering further soils their once-stellar reputation for standing up and speaking truth to power. We weep for the loss of this once great newspaper.
We request that all editorial cartoonists do a finished version of her rough and post it in solidarity with Ann’s brave and sadly necessary decision. Please use the hash tag #StandWithAnn. Tyranny ends at pen point. It thrives in the dark, and The Washington Post simply closed its eyes and gave in like a punch-drunk boxer.
— The AAEC Board of Directors
From The Daily Cartoonist
The cartoon her editor refused to run, which was the final straw that induced her to walk away from a prestigious and well-paying job, offers the very reasonable suggestion that the billionaires who control major media are selling out to the administration, not just with obedience but in several cases with substantial financial contributions.
Ann Telnaes. She won the Pulitzer Price in 2001.
And here’s something else they’d just as soon not hear anyone say: It seems that major media may be working to gain influence with the wrong people, that they’re making friends with oligarchs but losing touch with their actual customers.
As venture-capitalist chains purchase small and medium papers and gut their newsrooms to the point of making responsible coverage impossible, there is a growing appetite for local news. We’re seeing more support for regional non-profits and aggregators because, while it’s important to know what’s happening in Washington and in Gaza and in Moscow, people also want to know when the new bridge will be finished in their town and how their property taxes are being assessed and spent.
Did You Know Our Own Meteor Blades Worked with Ann Telnaes at the Los Angeles Times?
From Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
@AnnTelnaes resigned after the Washington Post editorial page killed her cartoon. It’s worth a share.Big Tech executives are bending the knee to Donald Trump and it’s no surprise why: Billionaires like Jeff Bezos like paying a lower tax rate than a public school teacher. Link
Losing a Ton of Credibility
A Few Brilliant Editorial Cartoons by Ann Telnaes
She is a national treasure.
Hoping for the Best
The Sad Reality
The Future of American Society
Diary Poll
Will it ever happen?