The Jerusalem Post recently reported that “Nathan Weeden, 24, planned vandalism attacks on buildings associated with Black and Jewish Americans, alongside members of his White supremacist group 'The Base’” ( Weeden, a 24-year-old resident of Michigan “was sentenced to serve 26 months in prison after he was found guilty of defacing Jacob Synagogue with Swastikas and symbols associated with his white supremacist group, The Base, the US Department of Justice announced.”
Welcome to “The Base”; a place where white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and alt-righters can come together to train – in the broadest sense -- for a race war. Started by Rinaldo Nazzaro, who operates under the names Norman Spear and Roman Wolf. According to Vice’s Ben Makuch and Mack Lamoureux, “The Base” is a social network that “involves bringing neo-Nazis together, regardless of affiliation and ideology, into a militant fascist umbrella organization.
According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (
* The Base is a small militant neo-Nazi organization that emerged mid-2018 and is primarily active in the U.S.
* The group members portray themselves as vigilante soldiers defending the “European race” against a broken “system” that has been infected by Jewish values.
* The Base embraces Hitlerian ideology coupled with a mission to prepare for an impending race war.
* The group espouses nihilistic and accelerationist rhetoric— an ideology embraced by white supremacists who have determined that a societal collapse is both imminent and necessary.
* Although the group organizes in the virtual space, their on the ground presence has increased to include alleged criminal activity.
The Counter Extremism Project, pointed out that The Base is “influenced by the race war called for in the book Siege by neo-Nazi James Mason.” The group claims it trains it members for a ‘hypothetical time in the future when law & order breaks down to such an extreme degree … that the authorities are unable or unwilling to restore it’” (
In its profile of The Base, the counter extremism website pointed out recent statements by Rinaldo Nazzaro on Telegram.
March 27, 2024: “The number one priority task for a pro-White accelerationist in America is establishing a local base camp for meetups and training during ‘peacetime’, and to serve as a communal bugout location when SHTF. Ideally this will be private land which you or someone close to you owns. But public land can also work potentially, if you can find a location remote enough where you’re unlikely to be disturbed. Without base camps, we simply can’t be effective or achieve our goals. So, get to it!”
May 12, 2024: “The sooner we embrace balkanization, and prepare for it, the higher our chances of victory. After all, our biggest enemy is time as the White population of USA is on a rapidly accelerating crash course towards extinction. The only way to hit the breaks on this runaway genocide train is by breaking away, and establishing a new homeland where we can survive and thrive. The first step, as I've stated, is organizing and training in real life.”
In addition to the U.S., The Base is active in Canada, Australia, South Africa and Belgium.