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Brian Tyler Cohen (with Glenn Kirschner)
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Selected Quotes:
but here is the really important part
and I want our viewers to hold fast to
this because it's a really good and
important development um the Department
of Justice at the White House's urging
told acting director [Brian] Driscoll and
want the names of the 1,000 or more
agents who worked on J6 cases and a
couple of other cases um and so
Driscoll is resisting he's
saying No because Brian let's remember
these attempted firings if they go
through are Lawless
there are procedures
in place at the FBI as in every agency
before you can terminate somebody there
has to be a reason
it has to be
performance-based there are hearings
there there is due process the Supreme
Court said before you can fire somebody
from the federal government and the
Trump Administration is ignoring and
violating all of it so here is the one
thing I want to read from
the brand new
that reportedly is
being circulated by
FBI agents within the FBI um describing
how acting director Driscoll is standing
up to the Department of Justice and the
White House quote
bottom line DOJ came
over and wanted to fire a bunch of J6
Agents Driscoll is an absolute stud held
his ground and
told White House proxy
[I would] bet on Driscoll being removed from the
position of acting FBI director maybe
another another attempted wrongful
termination and Brian I hate to say this
but I I feel compelled to maybe even
worse who knows if they don't
try to
initiate a criminal investigation for
him resisting Donald Trump's efforts to
wrongfully terminate a thousand or more
FBI employees and this is where
there is
a Bedrock principle that comes into play
I was taught it in the Army when I
served on active duty it was reinforced
to me when I left active duty military
and joined the Department of Justice
whether it comes from a military
commander or a supervisor at the
Department of Justice we must disobey
unlawful orders and
I expect the men and
women of law enforcement to disobey to
resist to oppose any lawlessness that
comes their way
from the White House or
Donald Trump's henchmen at the DOJ
Well said Mr Kirschner, well said.
Public service not just a Job, it’s a calling.
It’s an Oath to protect the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.
The main way to stop Authoritarians — is NOT to comply with their illegal demands.
To not go along with their obvious, despicable lies.
State the Facts.
Fight back. Stand your ground. Demand your rights.
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