Since Colorado Tim is on vacation, I thought I would post a quick Colorado Week In Review compliments of our friend Alan Franklin at Progressive Now Colorado located in a really cool building on Wynkoop Street in Beautiful Downtown Denver across the street from Union Station and down the street from Coors Field. I have visited the office once or twice over the years and remember it well.
So here are the links to this week's news:
awesome + uniting
awesome + controversy
awful + uniting
awful + controversy
DNC Leadership News: According to an email from a neighbor here in Eagle County, Colorado Chair, Shad Murib: “Additionally, the Association of State Democratic Committees, the organization representing Party Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Executive Directors within the DNC convened to elect its new president, Jane Kleeb, the Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party. I was also privileged to be elected by my peers as Vice President of the ASDC for the Western Region.“ Let’s go Nebraska! And Colorado!
The Colorado State Open Thread is published every Monday at 8:05 pm to the groups Colorado COmmunity,Pikes Peak Region Kossacks, Southern Colorado Kos, Four Corners Kossacks, DenverKos, and State Open Thread. Usually by @ColoTim. Click the link to follow the groups. Send a message to thegroup to request membership. If you would like to contribute a story to the CSOT, send aKosMail to ColoTim or make note in the comments.
Follow our Colorado COmmunity group Look for our weekly open thread Monday evening — Colorado Open Thread. Stop by and share what is happening in your part of Colorado To join the group, send a Kosmail at this link
Follow the LatinoKos group To join LatinoKos send a message here Did you know? All Kosgroups have an RSS feed that you can add to your inbox.
Today’s guest editor of the Colorado State Open Thread is @greenchiledem. gcd is active in the Eagle County Democratic Party and is a former leader in the Colorado Democratic Party where she served as a Democratic National Committeewoman and county party leader. She currently serves as a precinct leader in the Edwards precinct 28.
We all would love to hear what’s going on in your corner of our state down below in the comments. The floor is yours.