We are now in a bloodless coup. The Tangerine Terrorist and his co-president, South African apartheidist and tech oligarch, Elon Musk, have been busy this weekend. They are taking control of as many levers of federal power as possible. By fiat. Illegally. UnConstitutionally. In a completely unAmerican way.
DOGE does not exist. It is not an office of our government. it has no federal funding. Why have our law enforcement agencies allowed this to happen?
TT is not a king. Musk is just a private citizen. Neither have the power to do any of what they are doing now. And what they are doing is even more violent to our government than the 1/6/2020 failed coup attempt.
Just because there are no bodies on the ground, just because there are no vicious insurrectionists, it is still violent.
Now is the time for all Americans to stand and protest and shout against the illegal siezure of power by the convicted felon in the White House and all of his sycophants.
We must openly take to the streets every day to show that we will not let a criminal president act in any way. We must speak out on every social media platform against this criminality. We must push oir legislators into action. We must never forget that we are Americans, we protest peacefully and shout into TT’s hurricane that he does not represent us, he does not speak for us, he has no power because we did not give him any.
Civil disobedience is the highest form of patriotism we have as a free people. Make TT back down by showing him that he is weak. Take back your rights as citizens of a democratic republic by exercising your right to peaceful assembly (protest), exercise your American right to freedom of speech. Exercise your rights or you will be stripped of them.
Make TT and his sycophants show just how brutal and violent they are. Make TT and his sycophants show how lawless they are. Make TT and his sycophants show how unAmerican they truly are. Do this by organizing daily protests. Invite the media to cover the protests, post on social media, show the world that we stand up for our country, our rights and our fellow citizens.
Now is the time for direct action through peaceful protests. Now is the time to support civil servants by protesting the closures to their offices and their illegal termination of employment.
We need public action to show all the lawlessness TT and his sycophants are trying to do in the shadows. Just because it is bloodless does not make it lawful. Just because it is bloodless does not make it any less of a coup.