Donald Trump did not do things properly with required paperwork for the transition. He didn't pledge to not hire people with conflicts of interest. He refused to have FBI checks done on nominees. He didn't promise not to blab national security information that president elects get in briefings to get them up to speed before taking office.
He didn't do anything right, so he thinks he has a right to be unhappy with the speed of his nominees being confirmed. Jerk.
"No matter how good or well qualified..." He really has the balls to say that. Not a single one of his nominees are good or qualified.
"... maximum time for approval, and laughing about it." I should hope so. You've given Democrats a terrible job of trying to make sense of people who have none. If Democrats didn't have a sense of humor and honor, they'd just tell your nominees to go home and hide their shame for wasting Democrats' time.
He has the gall to bring up George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as comparisons to the quality of his cabinet nominees. Somebody needs to do a Three Stooges routine knocking on his head to see if there's any sound because it's hollow.
"It is disgraceful!" What's disgraceful is that you have foisted this rogues gallery of criminals, drunks and sex offenders on the American public as legitimate government officials.
"They can't get over the landslide loss suffered in the Presidential Election." Donald, we've talked to you about this many times before. You can't make things up like that. You didn't even get 50% of the popular vote. You only won the Electoral College because it was rigged in your favor.
"Democrats don't understand.. what they're doing." They know exceedingly well what they're doing. They're doing their jobs, unlike you. They're supposed to get information from your nominees to see whether they're human beings who can handle the job. So far you've gotten a number confirmed only because you threatened the Republicans if they didn't. So don't blame the Democrats for trying to make sure that they're not targets of blackmail.
Democrats losses can't get any "greater" because the election is over Donald. We are stuck with you, unfortunately.
"Republicans must GET TOUGH ---- AND MUST GET TOUGH VERY FAST." I was expecting a triple exclamation point after that. Expecting Republicans to be tough is like expecting you to have intelligence. Ain't gonna happen.
"We need our Nominees NOW." What a whiny little bitch. And if you are really concerned about the safety and good of our country you not only wouldn't have nominated these jokers, you wouldn't have run for president, either.
Obviously, the Democrats must be doing at least a half-baked job of grilling his stupendously unqualified idiots. If they have some fun and laugh in their faces, good for them. We will have to look this bunch of wanabees for the next 4 years.
There should be still a third nomination for Attorney General. Matt Gaetz was laughable. Pam Bondi is unqualified. So get rid of her and nominate somebody else. She's up for a final vote today. May she fail spectacularly. The problem is unless you've actually served jail time, you can get approved. That's how low the bar has gotten.
I still can't believe he brought up George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in talking about his nominees. But then again, nothing that's happened since November 5th is believable. A comedy writer couldn't come up with these crazy loons.
Someday we can look back on this whole debacle and laugh. I sure hope so.