Colour me surprised, as in Not, that another Elon stunt did not go as planed. In this case it is probably a good thing as explained in the Live Science Jan. 30th article by Harry Baker.
Is this a ominous omen or just another example of the the past coming back to bite us in the ass? I don’t know nor really care however I find certain aspects from this story relevant and revealing as to his mindset. Basically he does not give a shit if his actions, past present or future does any harm or damage.
Case in point.
“The misidentified object, which was launched into space on board a SpaceX rocket in 2018, highlights a growing problem in astronomy that could lead to costly errors, researchers say.”
If I recall there was a lot of push back from experts when his plan was revealed but hey, he thought it would be cool so why not. I mean “What you gonna do about it” He believes his SpaceX projects need not be subject to oversight or regulation. If things go wrong just fine me later. I think you will find the last two paragraphs kinda sum up what I’m trying to say at this very late hour!…
I was going to add a tag WTF elon and it came out #WTFelon… kinda true/funny.