Hey Buddy, what a nice country you have there. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
This might work in the construction industry in New York, but it is a risky policy with your closest allies on the same continent.
At the cost of reduced weapon sales [to cartels], he has managed to militarise both the Northern and Southern borders; in a month’s time, will Canada and Mexico submit to his further demands?
His attention will now turn to his most hated enemy, the European Union. The EU’s reply might be something like, "If you stop the interference of your Tech-Bro Capos in our elections, we can talk." “We also would like your assistance so that we can clear up some of their tax avoidance/evasion tactics at the same time.”
We will see how far China bends to this tariff tactic; it will be interesting.
The trouble with bullies is that they always have their hands out for more.
Diplomacy, not so much, although Preznit Don believes he has a beautiful mind.
A morning muse.