The first coup attempt on J6 failed. This one has not.
Over the past weekend power was demonstrated and effective response absent with only one possible exception. Entire agencies, one dramatically significant, were invaded and folded to bs demands.
Trump is ruling by Executive Orders which are rapidly implemented. The judiciary supports him. The legislature is willfully impotent. Communications are already channeling discussions into blind allies. Citizens remain in shock and stand watching. All the mechanisms of social control have been subverted by the coup.
Now comes the consolidation of power. It will be equally swift and more far reaching
Levels of violence are hard to predict but violence is inevitable.
The notions of democracy Citizens have been conditioned to accept despite conspicuous evidence to the contrary are “ no longer operative”.
Our oligarchs, self identified elites and the christofascists in their employ are in control. They will not relent, bargain of show mercy.
Citizens remain stunned and panicked. That is the plan.
Resistance must be from the ground up. It can be nonviolent if Citizens are smart about it. A thousand shut downs a day playing out in whack a mole fashion for months will produce results.
Act locally, act decisively. Act continually. Act together. Do what you can. Do what you must
We can be unstoppable if we muster the courage to resist.
New leaders will naturally emerge. Be cautious of them but build support when warranted.
I have seen this stuff before.
The shit Citizens has just gotten real, whether we like it or not.