By David Glenn Cox
American National Anthem booed at hockey game in Canada. It’s only the beginning; I’m sure. As soon, international tourism for Americans becomes unwise and foreign tourism in the states becomes wildly unpopular. The other day when the King began his trade war by firing on Fort Sumter. Sure, attacking Canada, makes perfect sense. And attack Mexico too! What have we learned about two front wars Mein Fuehrer?
Mexico did the only thing Mexico could do by capitulating immediately. To whatever the terms the Boss had laid out with no intention of anything, but perhaps a token follow through. Just the threat of Tariffs put the Peso into a panic. “You’ll do what we want or else we’ll tank your economy.” Or as my sainted Irish mother used to say, “that’s for nothin, just wait until you do something!”
Mexico is an assembly point into North America. For every dollar that goes into Mexico comes out of Mexico leaving behind only wages. Mexico will never grow rich building cars. The profits and the products only pass through Mexico. Mexico has more oil than Iran. Iran is rich and Mexico is poor. What’s that tell you? Most Mexican Presidents have been educated in American Universities (some Ivy League) Some were long-term upper echelon employees of American corporations in Mexico. Mexico is the jewel in the crown of the corporate American empire. Mexico has no power to say “no.”
It's just the King making a Punch & Judy show for the simians and lower mouth breathers. Watch me punch this defenseless country in the mouth for no good reason! Hurrah! Hurrah! They have agreed to the King’s terms! How resourceful and clever is the King! The King will now pass down a 30-day reprieve from sentence on high from Mount Olympus and see how they do.
Oh, Canada! Tis a different story entirely. Canada is wealthy and prosperous. The Canadian dollar didn’t go anywhere. So go huff and puff at someone else’s door. The Dow futures sat at -655 and Monday looked like it could be a rough day. Around noon, the Mexican reprieve was announced, and markets began to settle down. Then a “phone call” un huh, a “phone call.” And it was announced that a token agreement had been reached. Ridiculous meaningless agreements, Canada has agreed not to join any new book clubs or raise African gazelles. The King folded like cheap origami. “We won! And just in time for the six o’clock news too!”
Then in a burst of childlike innocence and Fascism only surpassed by the 1939 MGM production of “The Wizard of Oz.” Gee, do you really think the Wizard will help us? Sure, why not! Why wouldn’t he go out of his way to help a group of complete strangers? Wall Street dries its eyes and calms its sniffles. “It’s gonna be alright after all Wendell. We didn’t die today, maybe it will be alright. Maybe our troubles are all over!
My mind boggles at the thought, what if Joe Biden had done one-tenth of this? How the press would howl! Think about how the press would react if Joe Biden had attempted any of these things. Use that as your baseline in identifying corporate propaganda. What if Joe Biden did that? Maybe we can even have some bracelets made, WIJBDT?
I saw a news story about the DC midair collision. They were interviewing an area pilot, and he said what I said. “There’s too much god damn air traffic in too little a space.” Then the story gracefully pirouetted over to just how god damn safe and wonderful modern air travel really is. “Calm yourself America, it was just an accident. You’re as safe as in your mama’s arms on an airliner.” [Book Soon!] Somehow, a story about interviewing a veteran pilot for his expert opinion became a promo for the Airline safety.
From naïve nabobs to the Wall Street navigators alike who miss the meanings of the King’s speech. When the King admits at the front door there will be some economic pain. Short term! Not more than say four or five years. He ain’t bull shitting you! It’s like when the doctor says, “You may feel some pressure in your rectum up to your eyeballs.” What if Joe Biden had said that? If Der Fuehrer says he’s going to France, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s taking a vacation.
It’s like the press has gone to sleep and Wall Street with them. The King forecasts economic pain but Wall Street thinks it will come out all right in the end. And you thought the Tin Man needed a brain! The King is forecasting hard economic times and Wall Street says, “Okay. Do you think the Wizard will give me some courage?” Warm with the empty-headed delusional belief the King actually knows what he’s doing. The King believes he can pull the tablecloth off the table and all the dishes will stay right where they are.
Only hypothetical other people will get hurt, not you or me. The King might crash the economy, but I’m sure we’ll be fine. In a surprising news event, it was announced sales of the Tesla Model 3 had only declined by 36% in California this quarter. Before long you won’t be able to give a Tesla away. It will be like owning a fourth-hand YUGO with a lot of miles, bad paint and transmission troubles. They’ll put them on the driving range as a target for Golf balls. Professor Newton tells us, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
“What is the most precious thing in the world? I see now that it is the knowledge that you have no part in injustice. Injustice is stronger than you, it always was and always will be, but let it not be done through you.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn