Senate Republicans — all of them, with the possible exception of Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) — are not serious people.
In fact, they’re a joke, and a fucking, unpatriotic disgrace to the institution they serve in and allegedly revere. They keep proving this over and over again. It’s long past time Senate Democrats started treating them like the joke that they are, and with the contempt that they so richly deserve.
This week, Senate Republicans were tested — as they have been, repeatedly, many, many, many times over the last 8 years. They have repeatedly failed those tests — and are well on their way to doing so again this week. They are poised to confirm at least two more staggeringly unqualified and morally unfit nuts to two of the most important positions in our government — the treason-adjacent Tulsi Gabbard and the anti-vax conspiracy nut, likely sexual assaulter, and lover of decapitated whale heads, bear carcasses and brain worms, RFK, Jr.. This follows their confirmation, of course, of the morally bankrupt, white nationalist, accused rapist, biigot, defender of war criminals, and driunkard, Pete Hegseth to head the Pentagon. Pete fucking Hegseth.
In doing so, this entire party of chickenshit, craven clowns has once again forfeited any right to be taken seriously again. If they don’t take their jobs seriously, why should you? They have proved, repeatedly, that they don’t give a shit about nominees having to meet basic standards — any standards at all — for some of the most important positions in government. They treat the their constitutional role of “advise and consent” as a joke, and have demonstrated repeatedly that they are perfectly happy to put our national security, and our nation’s health, at risk. They should be treated accordingly. They are shrugging their shoulders as an unelected, white supremacist billionaire freakish asshole runs roughshod over our government and accesses classified information the most personal of information about millions of us — and yawn while trabid Trump freaks illegally steal their constitutional power of the purse — and stop disbursing congressionally appropriated funds just because…. they want to.
They bitch and moan about the alleged lack of qualifications of thousands and thousands of so-called DEI hires — and then go vote for Pete. Fucking. Hegseth. And Tulsi. Traitor. Gabbard. And J F I don't know what teh fuck he is K Jr.
No, they don't deserve to be taken seriously ever again. Their opinions on nominees don't mean shit. Their views on the rule of law or constitutional authorities should be laughed at. Their “concerns” about government abuses and overreach should be dismissed with a polite, “Kindly STFU.”
In the Senate — the most political of institutions — there is a place, of course, for playing politics and finding ways to support your “leader.” Especially on nominations and the like. I get that. But not when it comes to filling the most powerful positions in government with some of the most staggeringly unqualified and unfit nominees we have ever, ever seen. For any positions. You don't get a pass on that. These are nominees that, with the possible exception of the stupidest among them — I’m looking at you Tommy “I don’t know the 3 branches of government” Tuberville (R-Dumbfuckistan) — the vast majority of your GOP colleagues know are historically unfit and unqualified for the posts they have been nominated for.
And they are going ahead and confirming them anyway. All because they are afraid of attracting a possible primary challenge.. To me, in addition to screaming, “Not serious,” it screams cowardice, and lack of integrity. and lack of self-respect. and contempt for the institution and their jobs.
I see that one of my Senators — who I like — wrote a letter to Secretary of State Lil Marco Rubio , about the ongoing effort to destroy USAID, I believe. He addressed Rubio as “The Honorable” in the letter. I realize this is the way of these things. Protocol. Formal niceties and all that shit. Funny thing is, there is nothing remotely honorable about Rubio at all. Nothing. He is a supporter of, and an enabler of a seditious coup leader and racist convicted felon squatting in the Oval Office. He has actively advanced conspiracy theories which helped undermine trust in our most important institutions. He has a craven, integrity-free coward who crawled back to the imbecile he used to view with contempt and scorn out of weakness and ambition. And now he is eagerly embracing the insane rapid effort to destroy US AID, one of the best agencies we have which advances our interests around the world and does a ton of good while doing so.
No, Marco Rubio is not “The Honorable” Marco Rubio. And he should be treated as such — like the spineless, morally bankrupt coward that he is. As should all his former GOP colleagues , with teh exception of Murkowski.
We are not living in a normal time. Start acting like it and treat them with the contempt they deserve. More importantly, take your jobs seriously and actually do something about it.
As I posted a few days ago, SHUT THE DAMN SENATE DOWN. Each day, and every day. Delay and block everything you can. Place holds on every single Trump nominee -— well beyond just the diplomatic ones that Sen. Schatz is doing. Object to unanimous consents on everything upon to and including the naming of post offices., Fail to provide quorums.
Start acting like it.