PARIS (AP) -- A Paris-based media watchdog has released an ABC guide of tips for bloggers and dissidents to sneak past Internet censors in countries from China to Iran.
Reporters Without Borders' ''Handbook for Blogger and Cyber-Dissidents'' is partly financed by the French government and includes technical advice on how to remain anonymous online. It was launched at the Apple Expo computer show in Paris on Thursday and can also be downloaded from RSF's Web site in Chinese, Arabic, Persian, English and French
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''Bloggers are often the only real journalists in countries where the mainstream media is censored or under pressure,'' Julien Pain, head of the watchdog's Internet Freedom desk, writes in the introduction.
In a bid to inspire budding Web diarists around the world, the 87-page booklet gives advice on setting up and running blogs, and on using pseudonyms and anonymous proxies, which can be used to replace easily traceable home computer addresses.
''With a bit of common sense, perseverance and especially by picking the right tools, any blogger should be able to overcome censorship,'' writes Pain.
The advice varies depending on the user's level of paranoia -- from changing cyber cafes to sending cryptographically signed messages via specially formatted e-mail.
The guide explains circumvention technologies that can break through government filters but warns bloggers to check how severe the penalty will be if they are caught using them.
The freely available handbook . . . SNIP
Download it now, while it's still legal.