From the Kerry-Edwards Blog:
Washington, DC - In response to remarks made by Senator Orrin Hatch on Fox News today (see transcript below), Nita Martin of Pennsylvania, a mother of two soldiers who have served in Iraq, issued this response:
"I am a Registered Republican. I know a thing or two about supporting our troops. I have given two sons to the United States military. One is a Reservist who went in with the first wave into Iraq, the second is a career marine who went to Iraq 16 months after George Bush declared 'mission accomplished'.
"Before one of my sons left, he went online to buy himself a helmet that would better protect him than the one which was issued to him by the US military.
"If anybody doesn't support the troops it's George W. Bush - he sent my sons to war with no plan. They were ill-prepared and the result is more and more casualties everyday.
"As a mother of the troops I know that supporting our men and women serving overseas is not the same as supporting George Bush."
To read Hatch's nasty remarks, go to the Kerry blog here: