Now, with the middle east blowing up before our very eyes, we need a leader. How about a man with 8 years experience in a great administration, one that not only had many successes internationally with respect to foreign policy but who did a great job domestically... here on the home front? This country is desperate for a leader, a great presidential candidate.. and I think the only person with the experience and the gravitas to clean up the mess Bush has made on all fronts, the brains and the experience of Al Gore.
To those of us who need comfort, who want to earn back the respect our nation lost, to remind the world of the USA's dedication to justice and the rule of law, there is one candidate. He can keep us safe and show the world Americans have their brains back, to show there's an adult in charge again? I think General Wesley Clark is the person who can make this ticket unbeatable. We no longer have the luxury of picking a veep who's "from the south, or someone who's loved by the "religious" conservatives us, these trite tools we once used to pick a vice presidential candidate, no longer matter. Why not give the job to the four star general, a natural born leader to fight along side Al Gore, to win the fight to take our country back!
We don't need Hillary and her buckets of money dragging her toughest contender through the dirt. She is the female version of Joe Lieberman. She continues to stand by her vote to go into Iraq (she now says that the way the war was run after Saddam was captured was the problem.) No one in their right mind believes the vote to go to war was a good one. The constant struggle Hillary and all democrats have with the brilliant way Karl Rove uses this issue to beat Democrats over and over again... must be addressed once and for all. We need to stop planning a campaigns to dodge the Republican smear machine and run our campaign based on strength and leadership. If the Democrats could copy the republicans and their brilliant "broken record" technique... (i.e.Saddam and 9/11, or the war on terror rather than the Iraq war" or"The democrats can't be trusted with national security" We need to adopt this strategy, learn from Rove, master the technique and like a "broken record",have 3 or 4 easy to remember facts about Republicans. We need to expose the great lie, that "bush is strong on national defense". We need to take that big lie out of the conversation by promoting the truth "we have never been so hated, so disgraced, never been as low as we are right now under the leadership of George Bush and the "rubber stamp congress." Take the facts... and there are plenty to choose from .... and start chanting.
There is no time to waste, we need a democratic congress and senate, we need these democrats to stop behaving like frightened children and get behind a strong and powerful ticket. With Chris Matthews and the rest of the MSM trying to re-write the past 6 years, act as if the republicans created this mess without them, the press, actively promoting the agenda.....these same people who marched us off to war, who let republicans on their shows and tossed them nothing but soft ball questions while kissing their asses ... when the Democrats were on their shows, they would chew them up and spit them out, misquote or mock our best and our Dean and Gore, tagging them with lame and ridiculous negatives .... remember Gore... the "cereal exaggerator "for getting the price of his grandmothers cat food" wrong..... this and the color of his sports coat... what the hell... Matthews is now talking about what a catastrophe the Bush administration has been, he gives summaries that sound as if he even researched the subject. Chris Matthews, who just a few short weeks ago when George W. made an attempt to apologize, (His pollmumbers were so low, his new chief of staff had him take a stab at admitting he made a mistake, maybe he shouldn't have said "bring em on". That night Matthews went on and on about how sincere he thought Bush was, he really seemed sorry....' Matthews was impressed.... but any shrink worth his or her salt would have read Bush's hostile and arrogant body language and pointed out the fact that, in the end, Bush blamed it on Laura.... "My wife didn't like it", even his apology was bull shit, Bush can't even fake humility. No, Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, ABC, CBS, all of them (with the exception of Keith Olberman) they did not do their jobs. They failed the American people.... and no amount of revisionist history is going to change that. They all had the same information we all had... I knew where this war was going to lead us... Bush's father knew, every bit of this was predicted... Chris Matthews knew there were no weapons of mass destruction, hell, my 10 year old knew there were no weapons in Iraq. But the press never ever confronted Bush on any of the facts.
So what do we do now? We pick a ticket that is bullet proof. We get our facts down to quick sound bites and we chant them like a mantra , like a 'broken record' over and over and over again until every American knows the truth. The truth will be there for everyone to see, including those who rely on the nightly news and their home town news paper for their information, they will all know.
We need GORE & CLARK... I THINK WE NEED THEM DESPERATELY, that's just my 2 cents