By the time Ronald Reagan’s funeral rolls around on Friday, I wonder how deeply brainwashed about this “great president” we all will have become in our desire not to give the enemies of democracy and peace quotable ammunition in their efforts to keep George Bush in the White House for a second term. How far are we as people of the left willing to go while the avalanche of Reagan mythology spews forth from every cranny of television, radio, the press and Blogworld?
I’m not talking about sympathizing with his family. I’ve lost close relatives to Parkinson’s, lung cancer and the lingering effects of disabling strokes. My mother-in-law suffers from the early stages of dementia, probably Alzheimer’s. Terrible diseases. When death comes, it is a relief, both for the departed and for the survivors. So, to Nancy and Mr. Reagan’s other kin, I can say in all sincerity that I comprehend your grief and suffering and hope that the passing of the man you loved has lifted a burden and will give you some peace.
If the goodbyes were private, no more would need be said.
But this will be the most public American farewell in decades. And more is being said, much of it disturbing, disgusting and outrageous. Much of it is not merely papering over flaws for the sake of I.F. Stone’s dictum that “”Funerals are occasions for pious lying,” but rather straightforward lies offered up as proof of the worthiness of a despicable ideology.
I’m not talking about the politicians, including the putative Democratic nominee, offering genuine condolences by finding good things to say about someone they knew and perhaps even liked. They’re just showing respect for the presidency and family feelings that I scarcely think we’ll see from the other side when Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton passes on.
Nor am I talking about those who have suggested that out of human decency or, at the very least, smart politics, we liberals and people who are further to the left stay out of attack dog mode for a few moments.
What troubles me, irks me, makes me want to scream is the incomprehensible willingness of so many people on the left who should know better not only to stand silent while others sanitize the Great Salesman’s two terms in the presidency but also to parrot many of the untruths that have put the halo on him ever since he left the White House.
It is one thing to bite our tongues for a few respectful moments while Reagan’s fans sign the Icon’s commemorative guestbook, tell us what a fabulous leader he was and try to persuade us that we are all better for his having passed this way. It is quite another to repeat the bullshit ourselves.