I never watched the show, but man do I feel alone in the wilderness.
Chris Matthews can compare the maker of the highest grossing documentary of all time to Osama bin Laden... millions of people saw Farenheit...
But boy... try to air a show that portrays religious people as having the same human fallibilities as every other human on the planet and forget about it.
AFA and other nutter groups rally their shock troops, get letters written and NBC execs break out into a cold sweat, heave their cookies, wet (and shit) their pants, and hit the cancel button quicker than Jimmy Swaggert can rub one out in a hotel room.
I dunno. It's kinda discouraging. They must know that there are more of us than there are of them. They must also know that we are a lot less committed than the nutters are... I mean, how many of you are going to write a letter over this? How many of you are willing to boycott NBC advertisers and products? How many of you will stop watching MSNBC?