From the
RaisingKaine blog...
Hey, I'm not an accredited White House reporter, like "Jeff Gannon" used to be for example. But, if I were a White House reporter I'd have a few questions for chief spokesman Scott McLellan.
On Monday, you see, Scott McLellan was practically apoplectic,
excoriating Newsweek for having "damaged the U.S. image overseas." McLellan was referring, of course, to the erroneous Newsweek story (now retracted) about US interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba supposedly desecrating the Koran - Islam's holy book -- by flushing it down a toilet. (by the way, how do you flush a BOOK down a toilet? a goldfish, maybe, but...)
Anyway, since Scott McLellan is apparently so outraged over this erroneous Newsweek story ("People have lost their lives. The image of the United States abroad has been damaged."), I'd just ask him whether or not the following things did "damage" to the United States as well:
*The Bush Administration turning a huge budget surplus under Bill Clinton into a massive deficit in just a couple of years?
*Letting the Communist Chinese to run up enormous trade surpluses with the United States while threatening a friendly, Democratic nation -- Taiwan.
*Ignoring the outgoing Clinton Adminsitration's warning's about Al Qaeda and dilly-dallying around in the months preceding 9/11, even ignoring an August 6, 2001 intelligence memo entitled, "Bin Laden determined to strike in US?"
*Letting the mastermind of 9/11, Osama bin Laden, escape at Tora Bora when we could have nabbed (or killed) him with sufficient commitment of US firepower?
*Keeping Lt. General G. "Jerry" Boykin in a high Pentagon position for nearly two years now since he made disparaging comments about Islam ("I knew my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol" and "our roots are Judeo-Christian ... and the enemy is a guy named Satan.")
*Lying to the American people -- and the world -- about supposed connections between Saddam Hussein and 9/11, all of which they knew were false.
*Trashing international treaties and dissing our allies, practically since Day #1 of the Bush Administration?
*Allowing North Korea to break out of the Clinton-era "Agreed Framework" and to go nuclear?
*Two words: Abu Ghraib.
*I could go on and on....
So, did any of this "damage the U.S. image overseas?" How about the U.S. strategic position and moral standing in the world? Is the White House outraged about its own actions? Or, would it rather cast the first stone at Newsweek, being itself (in its own mind, at least) without sin?
As I said, just a few questions for Scott McLellan. Hey Scotty Boy, if these questions are too tough for you, maybe you can ask your male porn star buddy "Jeff Gannon" to help out?