Am I the only person who sometimes believes that just being told how awful the Bush administration is acting isn't enough? That it is not enough just to bitch, but that we need to be
doing something.
Actually, I know that I am not the only person, but sometimes it feels that way. While I find the role of the internet and the blogs on them to be important, sometimes I think it is like talk-radio in that all that happens is that people get to complain endlessly about the awful state of the world.
Over the last two years my wife and I have been involved in creating a Democratic newspaper, a Democratic e-mail newsletter that goes out to over 1200 Democrats per week, and creating a political action committee which has the mission of spreading the Democratic message to the grassroots.
I am interested in what steps other readers have taken that maybe we haven't thought about. Please tell us about them. Let us know if what we have done is of interest to you. We need to start developing a blog that is about the "nuts and bolts" of spreading the Democratic and/or progressive message. Please send us your thoughts, comments, and/or suggestions to