How the hell did you all manage to stick with your guy from last summer on?
Never mind getting trashed here on DKos - which, as we've all had reason to observe lately, does not accurately reflect the Dem electorate. But the numbers and the news weren't giving you much reason for optimism, either. He sagged in the polls, constantly, everywhere, from last spring right through to about the last week before Iowa. The only news was campaign shakeups, and then desperate-looking moves like focusing on Iowa and betting the mortgage.
That was a long time and a lot of bad news to hang on through!
As a side question, I've wondered if Kerry's campaign arc relates to his health situation. Whipping the Big C has to take a lot out of a guy. He basically looked in pain most of last year, and not just because of the poll numbers.
Does anyone know the prostate recovery timetable? Is it possible that only in the last month or two did he start really feeling good enough to put 100 percent into it?
-- Rick Robinson