I was big on Edwards as a campaigner. His message moved me, it was the right message for America, and he conveyed it so well.
The Dude is a great anti-Cheney, just as Kerry is a great anti-Bush. But Edwards needs to be drawing press in order to effect his message. Right now it seems like two against one -- and I'm looking for Edward's message! Bush and Cheney get to play good cop/bad cop versus Kerry while Kerry has to struggle on without his wingman.
So, where's the wingman? Is Edwards effective?
I've been hearing that the Dude is busy shoring up support and being positive. And we all know of his occasional and telling humdingers.
From what I can tell Edwards is doing his thing -- shoring up votes in rural areas or picking away at solid Bush rural areas in swing states. But why isn't he getting the press like Cheney? Or is the Dem strategy all about using local media?
I admit, I was stunned by Kerry's surge in Iowa. I think most people were. From what little I can tell, it was the ground campaign that broke him out. He personalized himself, he went door to door, and he carried a positive message. Is Edwards now following in his footsteps... for him?
Seems like.
Ed's better at face-time campaigning. That's what he does, that's who he is. Kerry is much more effective getting mad and speaking out -- he's got the face of a fighter.
I think Edwards is effective, but I have no proof. I haven't SEEN anything he's done for the past two monthes. I've heard about the "no draft" promise, but I never saw him deliver it, either on the net or on TV. I didn't even hear it on the radio. I read about it. Much less effective reading Ed than seeing or hearing him. And that comment is now nearly forgotten, lost in the flotsum. I hope it come back; it's a policy statement which is powerful and popular. But Edwards is getting no love from the national media.
Why isn't he drawing the press like Cheney does? How can we drive press to him? Or is the whole point really to bury Ed in the rural areas, using him to strengthen Kerry's weak flanks, and to harrass Bush's core?
Anyone know the game plan here? It doesn't add up for me, yet.