[UPDATED]: For those of you interested in participating in OPERATION: FALAFEL, I've added all of the radio stations that carry O'Reilly and have websites in the Extended Section.
[UPDATED]: O'Reilly responds to the shitstorm that swirls about him -- and of course makes himself out to be an even bigger jerk than he was before. Text of his response is in the Extended Section.
As many here and in other blogs have noted, Bill O'Reilly crossed the line by endorsing an al Qaeda terrorist attack against the United States of America.
It is time to do to Bill O'Reilly what the blogosphere successfully did to the Sinclair Broadcast Group - hit 'em in the wallet. We must notify O'Reilly's sponsors that they are, in fact, sponsoring a radio program that has stated its support of a terrorist attack against the United States.
In the Extended Body I have contact information for the corporate sponsors of The Radio Factor, and a copy of the email that I sent them.
According to his website, his corporate sponsors are:
- Life Quotes, Inc.
- EmigrantDirect.com
- Tempur-Pedic
Life Quotes, Inc. appears to be part of Quotesmith.com, Inc., which runs www.insure.com, a "comprehensive online customer insurance information service that caters to the needs of self-directed insurance shoppers." The two contacts that I sent an email to are the Vice President of Sales, Brian Gibson <brian at lifequotes.com>, and the Executive Vice President and COO, William V. Thomas <bthoms at insure.com>.
EmigrantDirect.com is a subsidiary of Emigrants Savings Bank. I could not find any contact information other than their main helpdesk <emigrantdirect at emigrant.com>
Tempur-Pedic is the miracle NASA mattress people. I sent my email to them at <marketing at tempurpedic.com>
Update [2005-11-15 16:37:28 by GOPhuckYourself]::
Equifax has been removed from the list of sponsors of The Radio Factor
. According to email from their Vice President of Communications:As of October, 2005, Equifax was no longer a sponsor of Bill O'Reilly's show, The Radio Factor.
I notified Equifax that O'Reilly still lists them as a sponsor (and, in fact, has them at the top of the list of sponsors).
Here is the email that I sent:
Dear <Insert O'Reilly Sponsor Here>:
I was shocked and dismayed to hear on the November 8th edition of "The Radio Factor", the following statement made by host Bill O'Reilly:
"And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
Furthermore, I was shocked to discover that you are a sponsor of a radio program that stated its support of an al Qaeda terrorist attack against the city of San Francisco, and doubly shocked that Mr. O'Reilly would single out the Coit Tower, which was built as a memorial to firefighters and other first responders.
Mr. O'Reilly's comments only have one outcome, and they only serve one purpose - they further the terrorist's resolve against the United States and embolden them.
I am bringing this to your attention because it is public knowledge that your company sponsors this radio program, and pro-terrorist comments such as those made by Mr. O'Reilly will negatively impact your company's sales. As a matter of principle, I for one will choose to purchase products from your competitors, until such time that you end your support of radio programs that endorse terrorist attacks against the United States of America.
<Your Name Here>
This is not about censorship, but rather the protection, nay, the
salvation of public discourse. As long as O'Reilly is allowed to dissemble, lie, manipulate the truth in order to push his agenda, which we now know includes
asking the terrorists to attack his enemies, America is weakened.
We must educate the sponsors of The Radio Factor what its real message is.
It is only through such action that the Media will return to its sole responsibility as the steward of public discourse - to inform the public, not to manipulate the public.
O'Reilly responds!"I mean, look, everybody knows what’s going on there. What I said isn’t controversial. What I said needed to be said. I’m sitting here and I’m looking at a city that has absolutely no clue about what the world is. None. You know, if you had been hit on 9/11 instead of New York, believe me, you would not have voted against military recruting. Yet the left-wing, selfish, Land of Oz philosophy that the media and the city politicians have embraced out there is an absolute intellectual disgrace."
[UPDATED]: Here is the list of radio stations (with websites) that carry O'Reilly. Use the websites to find the radio stations' Sales Director, and contact him or her and let him know that you are planning on boycotting their advertisers products. Also, you can find the local advertisers from the website, and contact those advertisers and let them know that you will not support them or their products, so long as they sponsor a radio program that has publically stated that an attack on San Francisco is okay because San Francisco did not support a ballot initiative. Bill O'Reilly is welcome to his point of view, but he crossed the line this time. Let the sponsors know that it is never okay to endorse a terrorist attack against the United States, even if it is 'hyperbole':
Birmingham AL WAPI-AM 1070 http://www.freedomkeys.com/ontheairmids.htm
Cullman AL WFMH-AM 1340 http://www.broadcastingcable.com
Dothan AL WRJM-FM 93.7 http://www.wrjm.com/fm/
Florence AL WBCF-AM 1240 http://www.wbcf.com/
Mobile/Pensacola AL WCOA-AM 1370 http://www.wcoapensacola.com/about%20us/
Mobile/Pensacola AL WNWF-AM 1120 http://www.fox1120.com/
Montgomery AL WLWI-AM 1440 http://www.wlwi.com
Blytheville AR KLCN-AM 910 www.undercountry963.com
Dardanelle AR KCAB-AM 980 http://www.rivervalleyradio.com/KCAB/
Fayetteville AR KFAY-AM 1030 www.1030am.com
Fort Smith AR KHGG-AM 1580 www.fortsmithradiogroup.com
Hot Springs AR KZNG-AM 1340 http://www.kqus.net/
Little Rock AR KARN-AM 920 http://www.920karn.com/
Newport AR KNBY-AM 1280 http://www.rivercountry967.com/rctalk.html
Flagstaff AZ KVNA-AM 600 http://www.radioflagstaff.com/am600/am600.htm
Phoenix AZ KFNN-AM 1510 http://www.kfnn.com/
Phoenix/Kingman AZ KZZZ-AM 1490 http://www.talkatoz.com/
Phoenix/Kingman AZ KAAA-AM 1230 http://www.talkatoz.com/
Phoenix/Lake Havasu AZ KNTR-AM 980 http://www.kntram.com/
Phoenix/Prescott AZ KYCA-AM 1490 http://www.freedomkeys.com/ontheairmtn.htm
Tucson AZ KJLL-AM 1330 http://www.tucsonsjolt.com/
Yuma AZ KJOK-AM 1400 http://www.kjokyuma.com/
Bakersfield CA KNZR-AM 1560 http://www.knzr.com/
LA CA KABC-AM 790 http://www.kabc.com
LA/Ventura CA KVTA-AM 1520 http://kvta.com/
Palmdale/Lancaster CA KUTY-AM 1470 http://www.kuty1470.com
Paso Robles CA KPRL-AM 1230 http://www.kprl.com/
Redding CA KQMS-AM 1400 http://www.kqms.com/
Sacramento CA KSTE-AM 650 http://www.talk650kste.com/main.html
San Diego CA KFMB-AM 760 http://www.760kfmb.com
San Francisco CA KNEW-AM 910 http://www.910knew.com/main.html
Santa Barbara/SLO CA KXTY-FM 99.7 http://www.kxtyfm.com/
Santa Maria CA KTME-AM 1410 http://www.kuhlktme.com
Santa Maria CA KUHL-AM 1440 http://www.kuhlktme.com
South Lake Tahoe CA KTHO-AM 590 http://www.airamericaradio.com/
Watsonville CA KOMY-AM 1340 http://www.ksco.com
Colorado Springs CO KVOR-AM 740 http://www.KVOR.com
Denver CO KHOW-AM 630 http://www.khow.com/main.html
Denver/Brush CO KSIR-AM 1010 http://www.ksir.com/
Denver/Loveland CO KSXT-AM 1570 http://www.1570ksxt.com/index.htm
Greeley CO KFKA-AM 1310 http://www.1310kfka.com/
Hartford CT WDRC-AM 1360 http://www.wdrc.com/
Hartford/New Haven CT WMMW-AM 1470 http://www.talkofconnecticut.com/wmmwam.sht
Hartford/Torrington CT WSNG-AM 610 http://www.talkofconnecticut.com/wmmwam.sht
Hartford/Waterbury CT WWCO-AM 1240 http://www.talkofct.com/wwcoam.shtml
New London CT WSUB-AM 980 http://www.msnbc.com
Stonington CT WXLM-FM 102.3 http://www.wxlm.fm/
Washington DC DC WJFK-FM 106.7 http://www.1067wjfk.com/
De Funiak Springs FL WGTX-AM 1280 http://www.wgtx.com/
Gainesville FL WBXY-FM 99.5 http://www.thestar.fm/
Jacksonville FL WYMM-AM 1530 http://www.wymm1530.com
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale FL WFTL-AM 850 http://www.live85.com
Orlando/Melbourne FL WMEL-AM 920 http://www.920wmel.com/
Orlando/Titusville FL WIXC-AM 1060 http://www.cflradio.net/1060%20WIXC.htm
Palm Springs FL KPSI-AM 920 http://www.newstalk920.com/
Panama City FL WYOO-FM 101.1 http://www.talkradio101.com/
Pinecastle/Orlando FL WAMT-AM 1190 http://www.wamt1190.com/
Stuart FL WSTU-AM 1450 http://www.wstu1450.com/
Tallahassee FL WTAL-AM 1450 http://www.wtal1450.com
Tampa FL WWBA-AM 1040 http://www.wwba1040.com/
Venice FL WENG-AM 1530 http://www.1530weng.com/
WPB/Vero Beach FL WTTB-AM 1490 http://wgylfm.com/
Atlanta GA WCNN-AM 680 http://www.680thefan.com
Atlanta GA WALR-AM 1340 http://www.jezebelmagazine.com
Atlanta GA WFOM-AM 1230 http://www.am-radio.us
Augusta GA WRDW-AM 1630 http://wrdw.com/
Dry Branch GA WMWR-AM 1670 http://www.1670wmwr.com/main.html
Savannah GA WBMQ-AM 630 http://www.WBMQ.com
Davenport/Quad Cities IA KCPS-AM 1150 http://www.KCPS.com
Des Moines IA KRNT-AM 1350 http://www.1350krnt.com/aboutus/contactus.htm
Des Moines/Boone IA KWBG-AM 1590 http://www.kwbg.com/
Shenandoah IA KMA-AM 960 http://www.kmakkbz.com/kma/
Sioux City IA KSCJ-AM 1360 http://www.kscj.com/
Spencer IA KICD-AM 1240 http://www.kicdam.com/home.php
Boise ID KBOI-AM 670 http://www.670kboi.com/
Bloomington IL WJBC-AM 1230 http://www.wjbc.com/
Chicago IL WCKG-FM 105.9 http://www.wckg.com/
Chicago/Joliet IL WJOL-AM 1340 http://wjol.com
Chicago/Waukegan IL WKRS-AM 1220 http://www.wkrs.com/
Danville IL WDAN-AM 1490 http://wdan.allarounddanville.com
Decatur IL WSOY-AM 1340 http://www.y103.com/home.php
Effingham IL WCRA-AM 1090 http://cromwellradio.com/
Geneseo IL WGEN-AM 1500 http://www.wgenradio.com
Herrin IL WJPF-AM 1340 http://www.wjpf.com/
Quincy IL WTAD-AM 930 http://www.wtad.com/
Rockford IL WROK-AM 1440 http://www.wrok.com/
Springfield IL WTAX-AM 1240 http://www.wtax.com/
Sterling IL WSDR-AM 1240 -
Indianapolis IN WIBC-AM 1070 http://www.wibc.com/
South Bend IN WSBT-AM 960 http://www.wsbt.com/index.asp
T. Haute/Vincennes IN WAOV-AM 1450 http://www.waovam.com/
Goodland KS KLOE-AM 730 http://www.kloe.com/
Iola KS KALN-AM 1370 http://www.iolaradio.com/
Lawrence KS KLWN-AM 1320 http://www.1320sports.com/
Manhattan KS KMAN-AM 1350 http://www.1350kman.com/
Topeka KS KMAJ-AM 1440 http://www.kmajam.org/
Tulsa/Coffeyville KS KGGF-AM 690 http://www.compass-radio.com
Wichita KS KNSS-AM 1240 http://www.knssradio.com/
Wichita/Hutchinson KS KWBW-AM 1450 http://www.msinter.net/tradingcave/kwbw/
Bowling Green KY WKCT-AM 930 http://www.93wkct.com/
Cadiz KY WKDZ-AM 1110 http://itm2068.com/skin/feature.php?sectionId=20
Lexington KY WLXO-FM 96.1 http://www.supertalk961.com/Howard.htm
Lexington/London KY WFTG-AM 1400 http://www.1039thewolf.com/program.html
Mayfield KY WNGO-AM 1320 http://www.wkyxwngo.com/
Murray KY WNBS-AM 1340 http://www.froggy103.com
Owensboro KY WOMI-AM 1490 http://www.wbkr.com
Paducah KY WKYX-AM 570 http://www.wkyxwngo.com/
Alexandria LA KSYL-AM 970 http://www.ksyl.com/
Lafayette LA KPEL-FM 105.1 http://www.kpel1051news.com/_Home.php
Monroe LA KNOE-AM 540 http://www.knoeam540.com/
Shreveport LA KRMD-AM 1340 http://www.krmd.com/
Boston MA WTKK-FM 96.9 http://www.969fmtalk.com
Boston/Gardner MA WGAW-AM 1340 http://www.wsro.com/
Springfield MA WHMP-AM 1400 http://www.whmp.com/index.html
Springfield MA WHMQ-AM 1240 http://www.whmp.com/index.html
Springfield MA WHNP-AM 1600 http://www.whmp.com/index.html
Baltimore MD WNAV-AM 1430 http://www.wnav.com/
DC/Cumberland MD WCBC-AM 1270 http://www.wcbc1270am.com/
Bangor ME WGUY-FM 102.1 http://www.wabi910.com/main.html
Portland ME WGAN-AM 560 http://www.wgan.com/info/
Ann Arbor MI WAAM-AM 1600 http://www.talkradio1600.com/
Detroit MI WKRK-FM 97.1 http://www.971fm.com/
Escanaba MI WCHT-AM 600 http://www.radioresultsnetwork.com
Flint MI WSGW-AM 790 http://www.wsgw.com/home.php
Grand Rapids/Kalam'zoo MI WKMI-AM 1360 http://www.wkmi.com
Greenville MI WSCG-AM 1380 http://www.michiguide.com/dials/rad-s/wscgam.html
Iron Mountain MI WMIQ-AM 1450 http://talk1450.tripod.com/
Mt. Pleasant MI WMMI-AM 830 http://www.litehits104.com/
South Bend/St. Joe MI WHFB-AM 1060 http://www.whfbam.com
Traverse City MI WTCM-AM 580 http://www.wtcmi.com
Traverse City/Ludington MI WKLA-AM 1450 http://www.WKLA.com
Duluth MN KDAL-AM 610 http://www.kdal.am/
Fargo, ND/Fosston MN KKCQ-AM 1480 http://oldiesradioonline.com/home.asp
Minneapolis MN KYCR-AM 1570 http://www.kycr.com/
Minneapolis/St. Cloud MN WJON-AM 1240 http://www.wjon.com/
Minneapolis/Stillwater MN WMGT-AM 1220 http://www.mighty1220.com/
Pillager MN WWWI-FM 95.9 http://www.garagelogic.com/affiliates.htm
Rochester MN KROC-AM 1340 http://www.kroc.com/kroc_am/
Waseca MN KOWZ-AM 1170 http://www.am1500.com/homeandgarden.htm
Cape Girardeau MO KAPE-AM 1550 http://www.1550kape.com/
Columbia MO KSSZ-FM 93.9 http://www.ksszfm.com/
Festus MO KJFF-AM 1400 http://www.kjff.com/new/programming.htm
Jefferson City MO KLIK-AM 1240 http://www.klik1240.com/
Kansas City MO KMBZ-AM 980 http://www.kmbz.com/
Lebanon MO KLWT-AM 1230 http://www.klwt1230.com/
Poplar Bluff MO KWOC-AM 930 http://www.marz.com/kwoc/about.html
St. Joseph's MO KFEQ-AM 680 http://www.680kfeq.com/
St. Louis MO KFTK-FM 97.1 http://971talk.com/
St. Louis (Park Hills) MO KFMO-AM 1240 http://www.kfmo.com/
Biloxi MS WTNI-AM 1640 http://www.1640wtni.com/
Hattiesburg/Sumrall MS WFMM-FM 97.3 http://www.supertalkms.com/
Jackson MS WFMN-FM 97.3 http://www.supertalkms.com/
N.Orleans/McComb MS WHNY-AM 1250 http://www.telesouth.com
Tupelo MS WKMQ-AM 1060 http://www.wkmqonline.com/
Billings MT KBLG-AM 910 http://www.kblg.com/
Bozeman MT KBOZ-AM 1090 http://kboz.com/
Great Falls MT KQDI-AM 1450 http://www.newstalk1450.com/
Helena MT KCAP-AM 1340 http://www.kcap.com
Kalispell MT KOFI-AM 1180 http://www.kofiradio.com/am/
Missoula MT KYLT-AM 1340 http://www.1340kylt.com/
Black Mountain NC WWRN-AM 1350 http://www.unitedwayabc.org/media/mdradam.htm
Charlotte/Gastonia NC WZRH-AM 960 http://www.wzrh.com/
Charlotte/Salisbury NC WSTP-AM 1490 http://www.1490wstp.com/
Greensboro NC WSJS-AM 600 http://www.wsjs.com/
Greensboro NC WSML-AM 1200 http://www.wsjs.com/
Greensboro NC WMFR-AM 1230 http://www.wmfr.com
Greenville NC WNCT-AM 1070 http://www.WNCT.com
Oxford NC WCBQ-AM 1340 http://www.wcmifm.com/stations/wkee.htm
Raleigh/Fayetteville NC WFNC-FM 102.3 http://www.wfnc640am.com/
Salisbury NC WQMR-FM 101.1 http://www.wqmr.com/
Wilmington NC WAAV-AM 980 http://www.980waav.com/
West Fargo ND KQWB-AM 1660 http://www.123fargo.com/get/talkradio/
Lincoln NE KLIN-AM 1400 http://www.KLIN.com
Lincoln/Grand Isle NE KRGI-AM 1430 http://www.gifamilyradio.com/krgiam
North Platte NE KODY-AM 1240 http://www.kodyradio.com/
Omaha NE KKAR-AM 1290 http://www.kkar.com/
Scottsbluff NE KOLT-AM 1320 http://www.tracybroadcasting.com/koltam.php
Boston/Keene NH WKBK-AM 1290 http://www.wkbk1290.com
Albuquerque NM KTBL-AM 1050 http://www.770kob.com/programming.html
Albuquerque/Alamagrdo NM KRSY-AM 1230 http://www.snmradio.com/
Albuquerque/Bayard NM KNFT-AM 950 http://www.knft/fm.com
Albuquerque/Santa Fe NM KRSN-AM 1490 http://krsn.losalamos.com/
Farmington NM KENN-AM 1390 http://www.kennradio.com/
Las Cruces NM KOBE-AM 1450 http://www.kmvrmagic105.com
Las Vegas NV KXNT-AM 840 http://www.kxnt.com/
Reno NV KKOH-AM 780 http://www.KKOH.com
Albany NY WROW-AM 590 http://www.wrow.com/
Binghamton NY WYOS-AM 1360 http://www.wnbf.com/
Buffalo NY WLVL-AM 1340 http://www.wlvl.com/
Glens Falls NY WWSC-AM 1450 http://www.radiowins.com/WWSC.asp
Ithaca/Syracuse NY WKRT-AM 920 http://www.wkrt.com/
New York NY WOR-AM 710 http://www.wor710.com/
Rochester/Newark NY WACK-AM 1420 http://www.1420wack.com/
Springfield NY WSPQ-AM 1330 http://www.wspq.com/
Syracuse NY WFBL-AM 1050 http://www.wfbl.com/
Utica NY WIBX-AM 950 http://www.wibx950.com/
Watertown NY WTNY-AM 790 http://www.790wtny.com/
Bellaire OH WOMP-AM 1290 http://www.wstv.com/index.htm
Canton/Cleveland OH WCER-AM 900 http://www.wcer.us/
Columbus OH WCLT-AM 1430 http://www.wclt.com/
Dayton/Middletown OH WPFB-AM 910 http://www.wpfb.com/
Portsmouth OH WPAY-AM 1400 http://www.1400wpay.com/
Steubenville OH WSTV-AM 1340 http://www.wstv.com/
Toledo OH WTOD-AM 1560 http://www.supertalk1560.com/
Willoughby OH WELW-AM 1330 http://www.welw.com/
Oklahoma City OK KOKC-AM 1520 http://www.komanews.com/main.html
Tulsa OK KFAQ-AM 1170 http://www.1170kfaq.com/
Oklahoma City OK KOKC-AM 1520 http://www.komanews.com/main.html
Tulsa OK KFAQ-AM 1170 http://www.1170kfaq.com/
Bend OR KBND-AM 1110 http://www.kbnd.com/
Coos Bay OR KWRO-AM 630 http://www.southcoastradio.com
Eugene OR KUGN-AM 590 http://www.kugn.com/
Medford OR KCMX-AM 880 http://www.kcmxam.com/
Portland OR KXL-AM 750 http://www2.kxl.com/
Portland/Astoria OR KAST-AM 1370 http://www.iinet.com/~kast13web/
Portland/Lebanon OR KGAL-AM 1580 http://www.kgal.com/
The Dalles OR KACI-AM 1300 http://www.gorgeradio.com/kacia/program.htm
Altoona PA WFBG-AM 1290 http://www.WFBG.com
Bethlehem PA WGPA-AM 1100 http://www.wgpasunny1100.com/
Buffalo/Bradford PA WESB-AM 1490 http://www.wesb.com/php/index.php
Erie PA WJET-AM 1400 http://www.jetradio1400.com/
Harrisburg/Lebanon PA WLBR-AM 1270 http://www.hmc.psu.edu/housing/student/news.htm
Johnstown/State Coll. PA WRSC-AM 1390 www.newsradio1390.com
Lansford PA WLSH-AM 1410 http://www.wmgh.com/wlsh.htm
Philadelphia PA WPHT-AM 1210 http://www.thebigtalker1210.com/
Pittsburgh PA KDKA-AM 1020 http://www.kdkaradio.com/
Somerset PA WNTW-AM 990 http://www.wntw.com/main.html
Wilkes Barre PA WILK-AM 980 http://www.wilknetwork.com/
Wilkes Barre/Hazleton PA WOGY-AM 1300 http://www.wilknetwork.com/
Wilkes Barre/Milton PA WMLP-AM 1380 http://www.wvly.com/
Wilkes Barre/Scranton PA WGBI-AM 910 http://www.carlabraham.com/wgbi.htm
Wilkes Barre/Wills'port PA WWPA-AM 1340 http://www.broadcastingcable.com/artic
Providence RI WPRO-AM 630 http://www.630wpro.com/
Providence/N. Bedford RI WBSM-AM 1420 http://www.wbsm.com/
Char/Georgetown SC WGTN-AM 1400 http://www.wgtnradio.com
Charleston SC WTMA-AM 1250 http://www.wtma.com/home.asp
Columbia SC WISW-AM 1320 http://www.wisradio.com/
Greenville SC WORD-AM 950 http://www.newsradioword.com/
Greenville SC WYRD-AM 1330 http://www.newsradioword.com/
Greenville SC WLMA-AM 1350 http://www.talkgunsradio.com/page3.html
Greenville/Indianaola SC WTCD-FM 96.9 http://www.supertalkms.com/
Greenville/Water Vly. SC WTNM-FM 105.5 http://www.supertalkms.com/
Sumter SC WDXY-AM 1240 http://www.miller.fm
Rapid City SD KTOQ-AM 1340 http://www.ktalkam1340.com/
Sioux Falls SD KSOO-AM 1140 http://www.ksoo.com/
Yankton SD WNAX-AM 570 http://www.wnax.com/
Harrogate TN WRWB-AM 740 http://www.wrwb.com
Jackson TN WTJS-AM 1390 http://www.wtjs.com/
Knoxville TN WNOX-AM 990 http://www.wnoxnewstalk.com/
Knoxville TN WNOX-FM 99.1 http://www.wnoxnewstalk.com/
Nashville TN WWTN-FM 99.7 http://www.997wtn.com/
Austin TX KJCE-AM 1370 http://www.talkradio1370am.com/
Beaumont TX KOLE-AM 1340 http://www.newsradiofox.com/
Beaumont TX KRCM-AM 1380 http://www.newsradiofox.com/
Corpus Christi TX KEYS-AM 1440 http://www.1440keys.com/
Dallas TX KLIF-AM 570 http://www.klif.com
El Paso TX KROD-AM 600 http://www.KROD.com
Harlingen TX KVNS-AM 1700 http://www.kvns.com/main.html
Houston TX KPRC-AM 950 http://www.950kprc.com
San Angelo TX KGKL-AM 960 http://www.kgkl960.com/home.php
San Antonio TX KTSA-AM 550 http://www.ktsa.com/
Temple TX KTEM-AM 1400 http://www.KTEM.com
Buffalo Gap VA WZXI-FM 95.5 http://www.wzxi.com
Charlottesville VA WINA-AM 1070 http://www.wina.com/
Norfolk VA WNIS-AM 790 http://www.wnis.com/
Roanoke VA WRIS-AM 1410 http://www.wris.cc
Roanoke/Lexington VA WREL-AM 1450 http://www.wrel.com/
Roanoke/Lynchburg VA WFNR-FM 100.7 http://www.broadcastingcable.com
Roanoke/Martinsville VA WHEE-AM 1370 http://www.whee.net/
Bennington VT WBTN-AM 1370 http://www.svc.edu/wbtn/
Burlington VT WVMT-AM 620 www.am620wvmt.com
Bellingham WA KGMI-AM 790 http://www.kgmi.com
Oak Harbor WA KWDB-AM 1110 http://www.kwdb.com/
Port Angeles WA KONP-AM 1450 http://www.konp.com/
Seattle WA KTTH-AM 770 http://www.770ktth.com
Spokane WA KGA-AM 1510 http://www.1510kga.com/
Spokane/Colfax WA KMAX-AM 840 www.palousecountry.com
Yakima/Walla Walla WA KONA-AM 610 http://www.konaradio.com
Chippewa Falls WI WOGO-AM 680 http://www.wogo.com/
Eau Claire WI WAYY-AM 790 http://www.wayy790.com/
Green Bay WI WDUZ-AM 1400 http://supertalk1400.cumulus.com/
Green Bay/Oshkosh WI WOSH-AM 1490 http://1490wosh.com/
Green Bay/Ripon WI WRPN-AM 1600 http://www.wrpnam.com/
Kewaunee WI WAUN-FM 92.7 http://admin.itol.com/~waun/
Madison WI WTDY-AM 1670 http://www.madison1670.com
Menominee WI WAGN-AM 1340 http://www.badgerbayarearadio.com/
Menominee WI WMEQ-AM 880 http://www.wmeq.com/
Milwaukee/Racine WI WRJN-AM 1400 http://www.wrjn.com/frameset-01.html
Rice Lake WI WJMC-AM 1240 http://www.wjmcradio.com/
Sparta WI WKLJ-AM 1290 http://www.talkradio1290.com/
Wisconsin Rapid WI WFHR-AM 1320 http://www.wfhrradio.com/
Fairmont WV WMMN-AM 920 http://www.920wmmn.com/
Huntington WV WRVC-AM 930 http://www.wrvc.com/
Ravenswood WV WMOV-AM 1360 http://www.wmov1360.com
Riverton WY KVOW-AM 1450 http://www.ktakradio.com