is the full connection between Cheney, Halliburton, and the Bush family. I don't claim ot know all the details. But it is itneresting that under Cheney Halliburton took over Dresser Industries, which caused Halliburton major financial problems because of asbestos.
Yet accodring to multiple sources cited by Kevin Phillips, GHW Bush's first job in 1948 was in Cincinnati with Dresser Industries, a company that had been financed by Prescott Bush as head of W. A. Harriman, and Prescott was on the baord of Dresser beginning in 1930.
As Phillips points out, Dresser had a long-time connection with the CIA its head Neil (note the first name) Mallon had extensive correspondence with Allen Dulles {yes, the son with all the problems including hookers in Asia is named Neil Mallon Bush).
I am only about half-way through the Phillips book, Amerfican Dynasty: Aristocracy, fortune and the politics of deceit in the House of Bush. In the subjects about which I have prior and indepednent knowledge, I have yet to find a serious error of fact or interpretation.
And perhaps this CIA connection may explain the strange survival of George Tenet? Perhaps the knowledge he has is not so much of this administration, but of the shenanigans of Bush 41, both before being president ("October Surpise" anyone) and while he was president.
For whatever it is worth, one would think that there would be greater interest in exploring some of these connections. Some of the other connections is that the planes used during the recount fight in Florida were provide by two companies, Enron and Halliburton (both reimbursed for their efforts from the large fund raised to fight the recount).
"Ken Lay and the boys" may therefore entirely miss the point - they were a useful tool for Bush and the family to continue their control of power for a very narrow slice of America.
I wonder when, or if, an American politician will ahve the guts to make the case forcefully that abolition of inheritance tax, lower taxation of capital earning versus wages earnings, and the like, are a total betrayal of the kind of America envisioned by people like Jefferson and Madison? That an inherited class of great wealth is truly unAmerican. To quote one of the wealthiest men in America, Warren Buffett:
"without the estate tax, you will in effect have an aristoc racy of welath, which means you pass down the ability to command the resources of the nation based on heredity rather than merit."
As bad as America is right now, imagine the long-term consequences at which Buffett points. And note the interconnections of the players.
Skull & Bones. Wal Street firms. Repeated an interlocking business associations. Recycled political relationships. Major communications and media outlets narrowly controlled.
Do we still have a chance to save the Republic? Might it already be too late? And do I risk arrest or persecution or merely ridicule for publicly espousing such ideas?