Let's face it, Dean's chance is slim, he is the underdog without question. Is there anyway to turn this around? I think it will depend on the combination of his retooled campaign and external events.
The strategy is to be there for a long run, his best hope is that every candidate is still alive, no real front runner.
He has to do it once at a time. In NH, he should really lower the expectation, his big hope is to stop the bleeding and get the 2nd finish. Let Kerry be the 1st, if he can still pull ahead of Clark, that's a great achievement.
In Feb 2 primaries, he should expect to get some 'unexpected' good news, again, if no one quits, He may have the chance to pull it off eventually.
It is unrealistic to anticipate Dean to recover in NH within 5 days, the best hope is a 2nd finish. It's all about expectation game, everyone is declaring his death, any stronger performance will keep him alive. Remember he is still the man with the most money, message, grassroots' support.