For those,like myself, whose newspaper saddles you with the sophomoric bleatings of one Bruce Tinsley,who pens the highly offensive and equally as useless cartoon known as "Mallard Fillmore",there is even more to dislike about this wanker. In my paper,the Journal Inquirer of Manchester,(CT)his cartoon is just below "Doonesbury" making it hard to ignore,even though I try to. Today's cartoon has Fillmore remarking about the oncoming of spring and a character,who is entitled "bee-brained refund monkeys" Say what? Does Tinsley mean to say that all hard-working Americans who are due tax refunds are stupid? Or does this mean that only such people as Dick "Dead-Eye" Cheney,who is getting a nice $2 million refund on his taxes are the only ones who deserve a tax break? Sounds like the carping of a "pea-brained,Bush ass-kissing,surrender monkey" to me.