WASHINGTON - How it happened or who's responsible is a mystery eight years after the fact. But what may have been a simple error -- or perhaps something more ominous -- has given a multimillion-dollar windfall to a group of oil and gas companies and could cost the government billions of dollars more in the years to come.
Oh yeah, I bet that was a "typographical error."
It probably won't take much digging to figure out who the
corrupt GOP Congressman was responsible for "dropping" the royalties language from the bill. I wonder how much his Cayman Island's account got for this little gem? A million? Ten million? Boy not a day goes by where I can't read another horrible, screwing-of-America story brought to you by the fine folks of the GOP culture of Corruption.
"This is a $7 billion word processing error," Issa told reporters. He said some of the leases issued during those two years could remain in effect for as long as 85 years, so the government will be unable to collect royalty payments from oil and gas taken from those leases for decades to come.
85 years?
My God. Now here we are, a time of war, right? Where the Chimp smirks at us through his little fucking squinted eyes and tells the American minions that we all have to make sacrifices in a time of war ....
How much more of this can we take?